

clinica! chemistry linę


1.    De Kriese C., Delporte C.: Ghrelin: A new peptide regulating growth hormone release and food intake. Intl. J. Biochem. Celi. Biol. 2008; 40: 1420-1424.

2.    Zhangh J.V., Ren P.G., Assian-Kretchmer O. et al.: Obestatin, a peptide encoded by the ghrelin gene, opposes ghrelin's effects on food intake. Science 2005; 310: 996-999.

3.    Hosoda H., Kojima M, Kangawa K.: Biological, physiological and pharmacological aspects of ahrelin, J. Pharmacl. Sci. 2006; 100: 298-410.

4.    Hosoda H., Kojima M., Mizushima I, Kangawa K.: Ghrelin and des-acyt ghrelin: two major ghrelin forms of rat ghrelin peptide in gastrointestinal tissue. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 2000; 279: 903-913.

5.    Perboni S., Inul A.: Appetite and gastrintestinal motility : Role of ghrelin-family peptides. Clin. Nutr. 201 0; 29: 227-234.

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7.    Smith R.G., Jiang H., Sun Y: Developments in ghrelin biology and potential clinical relevance. Trends Endocin. Metabol. 2005; 16: 436-441.

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9.    Nagaya M., Moriya J.( Yasumura Y. et al. : Effects of ghrelin admi-nistration on ieft ventricular function, exerctse capacity, and muscle wasting in patients with chronic heart faiiure. Circulation 2004; 110: 3674-3679.

10.    Nagaya M., Kojima M., Uematsu M. etal.: Hemodynamicand hor-monal effects of human ghrelin in healthy volunteers. Am, J. Physiol. Reguł, Integr. Comp. Physiol. 2001; 280: R1483-R1487.

11.    Okumura H.r Nagaya N., Enomoto M., et al.: Vasodilatory effect of ghrelin, an endogenous peptide from the stornach. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 2002; 39: 779-783.

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13.    Lin Y., Matsumura K., Fukuhara M. et al.: Ghrelin acts at the nucleus of the solitary tract to decrease arteria! presure in rats. Hy-pertension 2002; 43; 977-982.

14.    Shimizu Y., Nagaya N., Teranishi Y. et al. : Ghrelin lmproves endothelial dysfunction through growth hormone-independcnt mechanism in rats. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 2003; 310: 830-835.

15.    Chang L„ Zhao J., Li G.Z. et al.: Ghrelin protects myocardium from isoproterenolinduced injury in rats. Acta Pharmacol. Sin. 2004; 25: 1 131-1137.

16.    Chang L., Ren Y., Liu X. et al. : Protective effects of ghrelin on ischemia/reperfusion injury in the isolated rat heart. J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 2004; 43: 165-170.

17.    Dixit V.D., Schaffer E.M., Pyle R.S. et al.: Ghrelin inhibits leptin - and activationinduced proinflammatory cytokine expres-sion by humans monocytes and T celIs. J. Clin.1 nvest. 2004; 114; 57-66.

prof. dr hab. Dariusz Sitkiewicz dr n.farm. Grażyna Sygitowicz dr n.farm. Sławomir Białek dr n.farm. Błażej Grodner

Katedra i Zakfad Biochemii i Chemii Klinicznej Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny


przegląd medycyny laboratoryjnej zeszyt 1 (10) 2010


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