page00b contents

page00b contents



Variations on a theme

Chokers 4 Bracelels t>

Larials h Kings 9 Necklaces 10

Rings 10 Earrings 20 Rracclets 36 Nccklaces 46 Broochcs 5b Celi phnnc straps &o Halr ornaments bb Eyeglass chains 70 Other accessorics 72

Ruads ro

Basic instructions no

£> 2002 by Takako Sarrtejima    '

Ali rights r8servńi». irnA,-ding ihe ^ights lo reprcdur*! ihis bnnk or portons r-o-ecf in any form wilhmil ih<? written p«mvssicn o1 the publishnr

EofjB?;li ir,-in?.'3-.lon: Conn>e Prener

£>2CC0 Cnglish tex., Japan Pnbfications Trading Co.. Ltd

Englian «iikin by Japan rublications TradingCo, l.ld . 1-2-1 Safygaku-cho. Chiyodiri ku.Tokyo 101-0004. Japan.

Fir3t editlon: First printmg . August 2003

Odgina' Japanesn «x! by Nlhon Oungei-sda Co.. Ud.. 1-7 Kanda Jlnbo-cho. Chiyoda-ku, rnkyn 101 8407. Japan. l>tf;lrilmlors:

United Siates: Kcdansna Irc. thrcugh Oxford Umvurt.!y Pnejs. 108 Madlscn Avenue. New York, NY 10016 Canada. Fil/Nmry and WMe Side. iyi> Ali Stałeś Parkway. Ontario L3R 4T8.

United Kngdom a-c Europa. Premer Book MsrkeFng Lid . Claredon Houst;, 52 Ccmmarkei Street. On-ord 0X1 3KJ. Engiond.

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ISBN: 4-&3990-12B-3 Pnnted in.l;i|itin


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