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Ezercise L

’Athjva, fj, Athena. akijBtia, rj, trath. dp(TT), r), virtue, valour. t5a<rikfia, rj, queen. M4a<ri(v)t give. 8tSaai(y), gives,

81kt), rj, justice. tXri> has. evov<rł(i'), have.

6avjxuC<Li admires. 6avfia^ovai(v), admire. MoCtra, tj, Muse. vvp<f>*i, rj, bride.

6, rj, tó, the. irrjyTj, Tj, fountain. tro(f)ta, ij, wisdom.

TifMTj, tj, honour. . a>pa, rj, land.


Ezercise U.

turla, tj, cause. fyjCb *1' beginning. y rj, tj, earth.

86£a, fj, reputation. *ltrt(v), are. iiraivti, praises. tTraivov<ri(v), praise. tiridvpla, i), desire. f<rri(v), is.

d(o<rtf3tia, rj, fear-of-God. plCo, tj, root. w pć>prj, tj, strength.

111. GB.—PT. L

(fnX la, tj, friendship.

v, soul-

Ezercise ITT.

o£<nroTTjs, 6, master.

*EppTjs, 6, Hermes. tbpcTTjs, 6, discoverer. Evpiiri8rjs, ó, Euripides. was.

Tj<rav, were.

*1 mrias, 6, Hippias. KpiTT)ę, 6, jadge.

\t](ttt]s, 6, robber.

\vpa, fj,lyre. padrjTrjs', 6, pupil. pa\aipa, fj, sword. vavTTjs, 6, sailor. veaviag, ó, young man. TLłpmjs, 6, Persian. iroiTjrf]!, 6, poet. iróKtTTjs, 6, Citizen. <ro<bt<rrfjt, 6, sophist. (rrparióynjg, 6, soldier. <pof3tlrai, fears. <pof3ovvrat, fear.

Ezercise 17.

dbt\<f)6s, 8, brother. dpire\os, fj, vine. apdpoiTog, ó, man. apyupog, &, silver. (iaaaifog, fj, touch-stona didowai, are giyen.

8ido rai, is giren.


<f)ópfiaKov, tó, remedy. (fnryr), f], exile.

<pv\\op, tó, leaf.

Ezercise VI.

'• aXtof, 17, tbresbing-floor.

Bapfiapog, S, barbarian. *1Satptóg, ó, altar. • ecog, fj, dawn. *

' f \ayć}s, ó, hare. e Xiśos, ó, stone. *

Miwos, ó, Minos.

1/etos, 6, tempie, odór, fj, way, road. orrog, ó, food. pl, ^ rańs, ó, peacock. <

Aióv u&os, 6, Dionysus. 'dókoc, ó, guile.

€TTaivtlrai, is praised. etrawouprcu., are praised. dwarog, ó, death. 0avpa£erai, is admired. 0avfj.a(ovTai, are admired. 6eóg, ó, god.

0r)<ravpós, ó, treasure. tinros, ó, horse. kol, and (see Gen. Yocab.). \vkos, 6, wolf. prjaog, fj, island. olkos, ó, house. oi>, not (see Gen. Vocab.). tt\ovtos, 6, wealth. rpónos, ó, way, manner; cbaracter.

{rmjperąs, ó, seryant. vinos, ó, sleep. imó, by, with gen. loves.

(jnkfLrat, is loTed.

<pikóaotpos, ó, philosopher. <pi\ouirrai, are loved.

<f>t\ov<n(y), love.

Xpvcrós, ó, gold.

Ezercise V.

diroKTeiv€i, kills. diroK.Tftvov<rt(y), kill.

8ev8pop, tó, tree.

8£>pop, to, gift. tt8a>\ov, tó, image.

- top, ró, violet.

Koka^et, punishea.

KokaCfrat, is punished. Ko\aCovrat, are punished. Ko\a^ovcrt(v), pumsh.

pótros, tj, disease. olvos, ó, winę.

irpo8órr]s, ó, betrayer, traitor. po8ov, to, rosę. trrjpeiov, tó, sign, signal. ęrre(pavaę, ó, crown, wreath, gar-land.

Tctjitas, 6, steward.

Ezercise VII.

dyadós, tj, óv, good. yempyóg, ó, husbandman. •/beikós, fj, óv, cowardly, timid. SiKatos, a, ov, just.

8ovKos, ó, slave. e\cv6epog, a, ov, free. » tcrjjypós, a, óv, strong. # kokos, fj, óv, bad. ko\ós, fj, óp, beautiful. kolpós, fj, óv, common.

\óyog, 6, word.

*-\v7n]pós, a, óv, pamfili. jiaKpói, a, óv, long.

7ntrrós, fj, óp, faithful. ir\ov(rios, a, op, ricb. nóXepos, ó, war. iTo(j>ós, fj, óv, wise.

OTpaTtjyót, ó, generał. „ cruftpaxos, ó, ally. . re (see Gen. Yocab.).

<f>i\tog, a, op, friendly.

Ezercise VIII.

aSiKog, op, unjust. oBdpaTog, op, inunortal. dv8peios, a, op, brave. fi£tog, a, op, worthy. * d£ióxp(ag, o»p, considerable.


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