47 (99)

47 (99)

344 Solutions to Exercises

c37. Payments completed

c38. Private trip paid for

c39. Client payed

c40. Private flights paid for

c41. Business flights paid for

c42. Wait for declaration

c43. Hotels booked

c44. Book hotels

c45. Have tickets printed

c46. Cash and checks sent

c47. Voucher printed

c48. Wait for return

c49. Transport arranged

c50. Tickets printed

c51. Amount info

c52. Folder ready

c53. Picked up

c54. Declaration received

c55. Balance

c56. Processing declaration c57. Deducted c58. Amount to deduct c59. Balance approved c60. Balance not approved c61. File to be closed c62. Settled balance c63. Approved balance c64. Unable to guarantee trip


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