Untitled 15

Untitled 15

48 Bft.ySA8uttoo I    :<i cum

lmprovc your peyorc sritch skills by ma king thesc bcauriful butrerfly wings. Master the four diffcrent turns — odd-count, even-count, increase, and decrcasc — and youMl soon be a peyorc whi/, able to make any shape you desire.

step step

Large wing

[1] Attach .1 stop bcad iRasics p. 103 to thc center ot IW yd. (1.4 rn> of Fircliuc or thrcad.

[2} Work thc largc wing in pcjotc nitch (Baxk'.sJ,paying closćartcm-.on to thc turn at thc cnd of cach row. and rcfcrring to figuro t ro ptck up tlwr foKowing 1 i ' socd bt-.id»:

Rows i and 2: (Outhned in blue in liguro 1 > Two Bs, two A}, iwo Bs, A. ihrcc Bs. two Ctwo two At, two Bi. A, B. tbrec As. B (a-łi). Usir.g anothcr nccdlc, nasi through cvcrv ochcr hrad, starrinp with thr la« B pścked up (photo a). Th i* will help kccp your bńids in płace as you sritch thc ncxt tow or rwo.

[3] Work an evfiycount peyo<e lurn (sec tum legend belo w) to Start row .4. Row 3: 8, A, B, two As four Bs, rhrec As (b-c) Work an erencount tum.

Row 4: B, A, two B>, A, tivc Bs, A. B. Work a decrcasc tum (c-d and helów). Row 5: B. two As, B, fivc As. B, A. Work an inceease turn i>ce below) by picking up a B and on A, Jttd sewing through tbem butli again, posicio&ing the two beads ncxt to cach other (d-O).

Row 6: A. B. A, B, two As, B. two As, two Bs. Piet; up anothcr 8, and wotk att odJ couflt peyote tum (e-f and helów). Row 7: Four Bs. A. tut* Bs A. B, iwo As. Srw through the ncxt A, pkk up two Bs. and sew hack through thc |i:<iious A (F-gt.

Row 8: A, B. two As, jeven Bs. Dcctcasc turn (g-h).

Row 9: Thrcc Cis B. two Cs, two Bi, tvr<> As B. Work two iiKrcasc stitcSci.

Pisk up two Bs. Scw through thc first B agam, pick up two Bs. and icw thtough l-orh Bs again SO tbey sit side hy stdc. Sew through tbc Sceorłd B in the hfit snich (ł>—i).

Row 10: C. i ii Bs. Pick up u B. and work an odc couut tum (i-0.

Row 11:Tlnee BsC, thrcc Bi.Ci, four Bs 0-k). tvcn-coiint tum.

Row 12: $ix Bi. Skip thc ttcxt twu stitchcs by sew ing through four Bs (k-4). Two Bs Work a dcctcasc turn (l-m). Row 13: R (m-n). Scw thtough the r,ext Six Bs (n-o) B, ihrcc Cs, B. Dccreasr turn (»-p).

Row 14: Four Bs. Dccrcaic mm (p-q). Row 15: I luce Bs (q-r). Łnd thc wockipg thrcad (Busies).

[4] Rcmovc the stop bc.id. and thread a nccdic on thc taił. Work a dccrcasc rum (a-s). and complctc thc wing as foUows: Row 16: B. A, fivc Bs iwo As B, A. Wotk an increase tum by picking up two B> (e-t).

Row 17: 'I hree As. rwo Bt. A, B,C. B.A, B. Dccrc3.sc tum (l-u).

Row 18: Thrcc Bs.: iwo As, thrcc Bi. A. Sc w through tlie next B. and wswk an odd-count turn (t>-v).

Rew 19: Thrcc As. B, rwo As, B, C, Iwo Bs. Decrcasc turn (w-w).

Row 20: I wo Bs. C, ihrcc As, two Bs


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