Jimmie Buatrigbt ii a rctircd s.-Jxx>!
Hacker and łifełuitg crafter who ttachef jtweby making al the Allan la Brad Market in Buford. Ga., in the U.S.
Conrad jimmie by phonr.eu (67$) 714-$293. via c-mail at al/.tntabeadr>:arket&froimait.com. or sec a list of tferr classef a: atlonidbeadttwktf.ctom.
chro.id patii, and csit an 11'-' on the oihcr side of the iunei ro]’c (pholo ę).
[8] Lsc a laddcr sricch thread padł to joui the tupe to the ncxt ropę, a H or C. ropę (Photo d>. F.xi? the oihcr side of the ropę. Aikl an 8 nim hrlwccr. the 1> and <.- ropcs as you di<l in step 4. and altach the next iwo io|>rs, Add another 8 mm Łdwccn the orher A-atid-B and A-and-C topei, and cud thr lhfc.ad. Tbcsc $ mmi fottn a linę aerois the middic of the bracelet.
[6] Add an 8 mm b«w«n OK A and B and A-and-C ropę* about one-thitd of the way betwcen a triatipular end and the middle, Rcpc-Jf to add a secunJ 8 mm ali^ned wirh the tirst, and iwo 8 mms at dic ocher end.
[7] Fioć tbc point hulfway betwern cach row of 8 mtns whetc the copet cross each oihcr. Using one of dtc rcm-onm# taiła, «w thrOugh the bcadwork to extc a ropę at thic point, and slitcli the topes cogethcr. Kepeat to join the ocher ropes whcrc they cross eaeh otb«7.
[8] Fsiting hetwoett the rop« where they are joined together, pjck u pan 8 mm, and sew intn the ocxt pair of ropcs where they arc joined. Sew bacie and luith throogh the 8 min belwec-n tbc ropcs. Rcpe.it to add an 8 mm betweeti tlić center ropcs and the patr of ropcs on the other side. Rcpeat at the other cmJ of the hraeeict to add two morę 8 mms, and end all the rhreads. o
Longhg to expand your jewelry-maklng sMte? HurdreOft of tan:a3tiC p^ojocts are avatlable for purchase on cur Web site. Complełe with s:ep-by-step instructions. photos, and a rnatenals list. making the jewetiy yco love Is onły a lew cScks away. Just dowttoad and le: the lun begln!
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• Seedbeads
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