

Table of Semitic Alphabets by M. Lidzbarski, from Gesenius' Hebrew Grammar, edited by E. Kautzsch and A.E. Cowley (Oxford, 1910).


1.    The Inscription of Mesha, see § ul-

2.    Old Hebrew seals and gems, see § 2 </.

3.    Siloam inscriptioD, see § ul.

4-6. Jewish Coins, see § 2fZ.

7.    From Lidzbarski, Nonleemitriche Epigntphik, plute xxi, 7, 8 i and

Pb. Berger, Histoire ile licriture, cd. 3, p. 200.

8.    From the Palaeographical Soeiety-s Orienlnl Serie*, plute xxviii.

9.    From Ad. Neubauer, Facsimile* of Ilebr. MSS., Oxford, 1886. pl. xl.

10.    Inscriptions of Zinjtrli, see Lidzbarski, ibid. i, p. 4406., and piąte*

xxii-xxiv; and Cooke, Hmidbodk of Norih-Seinitie limeriptioiis.

U. Old Aramaic inscriptions on weigbts, seals, vessel*, and tablet*. See C[orpus\ I[nxcriptionuiii] 8[emitiamt»t], ii, pl.iłt*., and Cooke. ibid.

12.    Inscriptions of Teima, CIS. ii, pl. ixf.; and Cooke, ibid.

13.    Papyri and Ostraka from Egypt, CIS. ii, pl. xii ff.; and Cooke,

14.    Karły Hebrew inscriptions in square character, from Lidzbarski, ibid..

pl. xliii; and Beitiilge gur Amyrioioyie, iv, piąte to p. 203.

15.    From the facsimileof theCodex Babylonieus Petropolitanus (916 a.D.i

in Chwolson, Corpus Inscr. Hehr., no. 103.

16.    From Neubauer, Faceimilee, pl. viii.

17.    From the Palaeographical Soeiety, pl. xli. eomplctcd from Neubauer.

pl. xiv.

18.    From a modem MS. 011 parcliment.

19.    From Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Gibson, PnUetiuinn Syriac Te.rt*, London.

1900, pl. iii.

20.    From Neubauer, pl. ix. (Most like the printed ■ Rashi’ character.)

21.    From the Pnlaeographieal Soeiety, pl. xli, eonipletcd trom Neubauer,

pl. xiv.

22.    From Neubauer, platcs xix and xx.

23.    From Euting, Tulde of Semitic Charurlers. col. 49.

24.    From Neubauer, pl. x.

25.    From Neubauer. plates xxviii and xxx.

26.    From a modern MS.


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