floui uiith 13/ less faaaotrii!!!
Rules: 3
1: You roli it, you post it. No rerolls. No exceptions. You have to find some way to complete the round no matter what.
2: Every post is a roli. Once you start playing, you can't stop until you've completed a boss round (Doubles).
3: You cannot play a boss round until you have completed at least 1 round from each main category (Text, Images, Porn). If you roli a boss round before that, you MUST perform its penalty.
4: When you've complete a boss round, you have won. If the thread dies before that, you lose.
5: Triples, Quads, 404, 012, 234, 345,456, 567, 6789 and 1337 are special gets. (details in bottom-right corner)
6: Always link back to your previous post to show what you rolled.
34-65: Images
34: Post a picture of a cat.
35: Post a random image from your Ibl folder. Don't even look at thumbnails. 36: Post your desktop 37: Post the funniset picture in your Ibl folder
38: Post a picture that makes you laugh for no reason 39:Postayo da wg image 4 0: IM somone of the same sex on your buddy list with "So why haven't we had sex yet?"; Post pies.
41: Post something that can be
abbreviated CP that isn't child porn. 42: Type your first name into google image search and post the first result that isn't a person.
43: IM some one on your buddy list with "dudę... I think i might be gay". Pies or it didn't happen.
45: Draw something in MS Paint. Post it. (macfags/linfags: use Gimp or Photoshop, but only basie to ols)
46: Create a short comic strip. Post it.
47: Post a picture of who you would most like to have sex with.
48: Post a picture of your hero.
4 9: Post a picture of your fav o rite v i 11 a i n. 50: Post something you drew by hand.
51: Post your fav o rite image of all time. 52: Make a new motivator. (You can use http://bighugelabs.com/motivator.php) 53: Post the first me me you can remember seeing or hearing.
54: Shoop a picture of Obama.
56: Post a .rar or ,7z in a .jpg or .png 57: Post "safe for work" porn.
58: Spam anontalk.com. Post pies 59: Post an animooted .gif.
60: Post a picture of a dog.
61: Post an informational pic 62: Post a reaction face 63: Post a sink.
64: Post a sad image.
65: *Wildcard - Post any non-porn image*
t jl Hf' 3t
^ 02: Post your favorite food, drink, color, ^
^ 04: Describe your earliest me mory. 4^
^ 05: Compliment the post above yours.
^ 06: What are you listening to right now? ^ 07: If Pin o chi o said "my nose is ab out to = grow", what would happen?
^ 08: Write a poem. Post it. gjr
09: In suit the post ab ove yours.
^ 1 0: Tell a wincest story. Make one up if you have to
-i= 1 2: Post something sad (no images).
^ 1 3: Compose a message with your nose. ^ 1 4: Critique the post above yours. s 1 5: Add up all the digits from your post nu mb er. Post a haiku exactly that many letters long.
1 6: Start chat on Omegle; Post results.
17: Describe your perfect man/woman.
Jp 18: List the top 1 0 things that make you
fp 19: List the top 1 0 things that piss you off. fp
20: Post the first phrase that pops into ^
= your head after reading this word: ^
Ip- 21: Describe your junior and senior years of high school in at least 1 paragraph each. jg"
* 23: Smash face on keyboard; post result. j]|.
24: Ex p I a i n your stance on current -- ;; copyright legislation *
.IIP 25: If you were king/queen of the world for 1 day, what would you do?
26: Post a get rich qu ick scheme that jp_ c o u I d n 't possibly work.
•s 27: Ex p I a i n everything you can ab out something you know a lot about.
» 28: What do you want engraved on your ^
to mb stone? jjś
30: Post some ascii art.
31: Tell a joke.
32: * Wildcard - Post any text. * |^=
67-98: Porn
67: Post gay or lesbian porn 68: Post HD Porn (rapidshit if neccesary) '69: Post a 69 70: Post hardcore porn 71: Postbondage orBDSM porn 72: Post hentai 73: Post vintage porn 74:Postanasian J^75: Post a redhead ły 76: Post a brunette fl 78:Postablonde ^79: Post a latina 80: Post a sexy nigra P 81: Post interracial porn T 82: Post a sexy .gif 9 83: Post a picture showing your fav o rite
84: Post a chubby 85: Post a threesome or orgy 86: Post a matę u r or webcam porn ^ 87: Post a random picture from you fap folder. Don't even look at the P thumbnails
89: Post consensual sex in the missionary positiion 90: Post a MILF 91: Post a rule 34 image 92: Post granny porn or midget porn
193: Post a trap
94: Post seat or gore porn 95: Post the 7th picture in your fap folder '96: Post a pic that makes you want to fap every time you see it 97: Post ascii porn
98: * Wildcard - Post any legał porn *
00: Choose a category youVe completed. It’s no longer completed
11: Post your phone number, email, AIM, or M SN.
22: Fap, but stop before you climax.
33:Throwup. Putyourfingerto the backofyour throat or eat a raw egg if you have to.
44: Stickyour pinky up your ass.
55: Delete 3 images from your fap folder.
66: Delete 5 songsfromyour musie library.
77: Roli again. Do the penalty with the same last number as your roli
88: Watch 2 girls 1 cup.
99: Start over.
Triples: Ignore rule #3 and play your boss round. Quads: Instant Win 404: Instant lose
!* 012: Post a sharecash link to get a 14 day ban.
123: Your "texf category counts as completed 234: Your"image" category counts as completed 345: Your "porn" category counts as completed 456: All your main categories count as completed 567: Ignore your roli. Pick the next round yourself. 6789: Choose one post in this thread. That person loses.
1337: Instant win + exempt from the gamę for life.