img069 (19)

img069 (19)

104 Summer 2009 INTERWEAVE KNITS

rows even. Shape right-front armhole:

CO sts as for left-back armhole from ** to **—134 (142, 150, 158, 166, 174, 182) sts. Work 6 rows even. Shape right-front neck using short-rows (see Glossary) as foli: Short-Row 1: (RS) Work in rih to last 6 sts, wrap next st, turn; (WS) work in rih to end.

Short-Row 2: Work to last 10 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 3: Work to last 14 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 4: Work to last 18 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 5: Work to last 22 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 6: Work to last 26 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 7: Work to last 30 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 8: Work to last 38 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 9: Work to last 46 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 10: Work to last 54 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 11: Work to last 62 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 12: Work to last 70 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 13: Work to last 78 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 14: Work to last 86 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 15: Work to last 94 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 16: Work to last 102 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 17: Work to last 110 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Next row: Work to end of row, working wraps tog with wrapped sts as you come to them. BO all sts.


Sew right shoulder seam. Notę: Using contrasting yarn, baste the ribbed border to the center front and neck edges while knitting; this will make it easier to judge the correct finished length. With smaller needles, CO 58 (62, 66, 70, 74, 78, 82) sts. Next row: (RS) [P2, k4] 6 times, [p2, k2]

5 (6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) times, p2. Cont in rih as established for 254", ending with a WS row. Dec row: (RS) [P2, ssk (see Glossary), k2] 6 times, work in rih to end—52 (56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 76) sts rem. Work even in rih until piece measures 5" from CO, ending with a WS row. Dec row: (RS) [P2, ssk, k 1 ] 6 times, work in rib to end—46 (50, 54,

58, 62, 66, 70) sts rem. Work in rib until piece measures 22!4 (23)4, 25, 26!4, 27)4,

29, 3014)" from CO or desired length from lower edge to right shoulder, basting border while knitting. Work even for 9Vi (10, 10)4, 11, 11)4, 12, 1254)" or desired length across back neck to left shoulder, ending with a WS row, and basting to back neck while knitting. Shape left neck edge: Shape neck edge using short-rows as foli: Short-Row 1: (RS) Work in rib to last 5 sts, wrap next st, turn; (WS) work in rib to end. Short-Row 2: Work to last 13 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 3: Work to last 21 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 4: Work to last 29 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 5: Work to last 37 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Short-Row 6: Work to last 45 sts, wrap next st, turn; work to end.

Next row: (RS) Work in rib to end of row, working wraps tog with wrapped sts as you come to them. Work 20 (24, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46) rows even. Set aside. With a separate smaller needle and RS facing, beg at first armhole BO, pick up and knit 46 (50, 54, 58, 62, 66, 70) sts along left-front upper straight edge, ending at removable marker. With RS tog and using the three-needle BO (see Glossary), join the ribhed border to the upper left front.


Sew ribbed border to right-front and back neck edges. Remove basting. With crochet hook and RS facing, beg at right-front lower edge, sl st (slip stitch; see Glossary for crochet instructions) along edge of ribbed border to removable marker, ch 6 for button loop, sl st at base of ch to secure loop.

Fasten off. Sew button to right-front border opposite button loop. Armhole trim: With cir needle and RS facing, pick up and knit 83 (91, 99, 107, 115, 123, 131) stsevenly spaced around armhole edge. Place marker (pm) and join in the rnd. Knit 1 md, purl 2 rnds. BO all sts pwise. If desired, to create fold linę as shown in photo, fold first 6" of left-front edge to RS; lay a wet towel along this linę and let dry. O


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