15. The author indicates that the Lakę District is:
Ja) known for narrow. single-track roads.
b) a popular holiday destination.
c) one of England's few mountainous regions.
] 6. Wbat is the author s opinion about the car park?
a) Looking for it proved to be a waste of time.
b) Finding it was easier than he had expected.
Jc) Getting there was difficult but the views were a sufficient reward
17. What did they do after the pienie?
a) They just sat there, enjoying the spectacular views. x/ b) They headed directly back for the car. n. c) They went for a long walk in the woods.
18. In all likelihood, Grace is the author’s:
a) wife
b) elder daughter
\/ c) younger daughter
19. How does the author feel about the South Downs?
\/a) He likes the area so much that he compares it to a precious stone._
b) He discourages others from going there, waming against crowds and parking problems.
c) It was time wasted because of unfavourable weather and quarrels with his daughters.
20. The word it underlined in the last-but-one paragraph refers to: a) the weather
Vb) the sun
^ c) the pienie
Test 3.1. pytania 21 - 30 (10 pkt.) ' ]
W każdym z poniższych zdań zostały podkreślone trzy elementy, które oznaczono literami A, B, C. Jeden z tych elementów jest zawsze niepoprawny w kontekście całego zdania Dla każdego zdania ustal, o który’ element chodzi, następnie zaznacz swoje rozwiązanie na karcie odpowiedzi nr 1. Zaznacz literę odpowiadającą wybranej przez ciebie możliwości obok właściwego numeru pytania.
21. [A] As a child, the only peopie I knewfelMiich were aged over 60 [C] were my grandparents. _
22. It is really [A] unfortunately when [B] ą beautiful sport such as soccer, or any sport |c| for that _j. matter, is spoiled by politics.
23. We live in London, and Laura’s parents Iive in Bath, so unplanned [A] meet ups don't [B] tend to happen on a [C] dav;s basis.