Tjung mMW*!"*™
Tjung mMW*!"*™

T.vo sets of moasurcrnems are in common use: standard and indMdual. Standard measjremerits aro ctotamed łrom cbarts. and are used in mass prodjcbon to creote garments at compettive p-ices. n comnerca paper oatterns 'cr homo drcssmakc-s. and in teachng IndMdual measuromonts appiy when garments are madę to persona! measurements.
Most oesigners are familar with standard body sucs and the amount of toioranoe which słvould be added for normal body movement whcn workmg witn woven fabrics. This will vary accordmg to the purpose of the garmcnt and thc ‘obncs cbosen Morę arowance for active moyement is reedod in sportswcor. dancing and work clothes. less for tnose worn for sedontory occopations V7ov«n fobncs f>«vo intrinsic qjal t<es and. <n order to create beautifui ano comfortaole clotnos. the d fłeronce between oody measurements and garment measorements must te undorstood and accopted
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