piękne aniołki (14)

piękne aniołki (14)

Woodland Angel


MATERIALS NEEDED: 18" Muślin doli, one yard of 60' F.eru tulle, 40 Green silk leaves. 30 Dark Mauve silk rosełmds, 30 Yellow silk starflowers, 30 smali Purple silk gypsophilia. babys breath, Green moss, Spanish moss. 2 slums uf Green cuealyplus. eigh-tcen •1/r pinecones. hnntlle of 14" iwigs, six 8" berry branches, Iwo 1" damshells, 2" Mauve floral binl, nalural roi o red spuuge moss, 3 yards of l/s" Moss Green salin rihimn, Rlaek filie lip marker, Green eraft wire. Pilik powdered eosrnelic blnsli. oplional doli stand, Accent® Imperial Aiili(pie Goltl acrylii: paint.

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Paint dolls shocs Imperial Antique Gold. Let dry thoroughly. Gluc a layer of Green silk leave$ around dolls waist with leaf tips pointed down. Out tulle Into 10 " x 60" strlps.

2.    Iland gather one tulle strip lengthwise. Tle around doi) s waist with Green ribbon. Arrange gath-ers around waist to make a skirt. Spot glue skirt around waist.

3.    Glue Green silk leaves and flowers around bot-tom edge of skirt. Gather up and criss cross another 60" strip around dolls waist and over shoulders. Tuck ends into waist and glue in place.

4.    Wrap Green ribbon around back of neck, bring ends to waist and glue. Glue a shell on each shoul-der and Yellow star flowers around neck. Glue Green moss around waisl, legs and lup of arms.

6. Tie Iwo bows willi remaining ribbon and glue on center front of waisl. Glue babys brealh, Purple, Mauvc and Yellow flowers on waist. Make a bundlc of twigs and berry sprigs (thrcc berry sprigs for cach sidc of wings).

6.    Wirc bundlc on center and gluc to back of doli as wings. Tie a bow of 10" x 60" tulle and gluc on back of wings. Glue moss hair on hcad. Embcllish with Green cucalyptus leavcs. babys brcath and silk flowers.

7.    Glue two Green silk leaves. babys breath and a pinecone on each shoe. Make a nest of Green moss and glue in doli s right hand.

8.    Glue Mauve bird: pinecones and baby‘s breath in nest. If using doli stand, insert doli in stand. Glue natural spouge moss on base of stand.

14 Angels for Collectors


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