s&h 016

s&h 016



stret ehed one way so long that tbey liave betonie weakened. If tbey rema i n so, tben it is your fault, and if an illness follows tbere is no one else to ldame.

The mau witb the round sboulders really doesn’t need any exercise chart or book of instrnctions. Ali be wants is common sense and will powcr.

Figurę it out yourself and see bow simple it is.

My sboulders are round ; wbat will make tbem sijunre and broad? Tbe answcr is simple. Just straigbten up and work tbe musoles the other way.

rTolcl up your liead, push it bark as far as it will go; hołd it tbere until you feel tbe strain, tben rest.

Tliafs all. Only don't rest so long tliat you will nerer exereise again.

Whaterer you start to do in pbysical eul-ture, be persistent and eonsistent.

Tlemember you oan do wbat you lilce witb your musdes, if you want to; tbey are at


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