t3 (21)

t3 (21)


Oblique View

(transłcTSr- and saghtal srttiun)

Sagittal Vicw





Postmor chamber (aqueuu» humor)

Anłrrinr chambcr (aqo«-«ni. humor)

Vitrr»ui» chainber (vit>vou» humor I

OpticdL* 7


Inner membranę 2*» Congliuntc Uyrr 30 Kod% and runo 41 Pigment layer 32

Superior rcetu* m Selera 2 Unwoid 3 Retma I

N1.ui.Li lutoa 5 Foyim crntraln

Pupil 8 Lem

Iris 10 Contro II CilMiy m. 12

KIYIUTINAI VłSSMS /\kijvnor nasal a .ind s IBupriKM IrnipKiAl a Alki « (Superior trucuUr a. And v. llhfcnor nucuUr a and v. Hhirrtor immI a and v Khteriur tempami .i and v. (Central n-tm.il a and v

Oplic Disc

(ntiiul VNtik)

Supiachoiuidat »pni- >1

KpiscWf.il »poo* 3(» Kultur shroth 37


Ora serraU

Ciliary 1’roccss

/aaiuUr Itbm

Ctltary pmm

Capsule o( Irm 22

l-ye Musclcs

S(l«i 35

Otorold 33

Tear CI.iikI and Ducts

Opcnln* ol .nnrr.al du

iiax4.nnrr.al dmt 45 —

Jgiperioc rwclti* m Mi per lor oblkpir m M. >li.tl rertut m Mitcral rretut m mtu* m llltcnor obi iq lic m

lj.mn.tl gland 18 — I Jtnnul durt* 3V — IjKrimal canincle 10 -Lamina) catoliculi 41 I amina! tac 42 \.ro>lacnm.il duet 45 \*saUavMy 41


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