89 (21)

89 (21)

Mfltc/i right sides and use a seam allowance for all swing unless olherwise indicaled.

1 Tracę one section of lampshade frame onto tracing paper. Add '/<" to each side and 3/V to rop and bottorn edges; cut out. Use paltem to cut lampshade sections from yellow gingham fabric

2.    Sew side seams and place fabric on frame to adjust for fit. Fold top and bottorn edges to inside of frame; hot glue to secure.

3.    Turn lampshade upside down. Use fabric glue to adhere a length of bias tape along each seam and rickrack around top edge.

4.    Measure the diameter of the bottorn opening. Cut a cardboard circle and a batting circle the same size. Add 2" and cut a yellow gingham fabric circle. Stack batting on cardboard and covcr with fabric. Clipping curves as needed. wrap fabric to other side of cardboard and hot glue to secure.

5.    Use fabric glue to adhere a length of piping to outer edge of fabric-covered cardboard circle. Hot glue circle to bottorn of lampshade.

6.    For each flower spray, tracę flower and flower center patterns on page 90 onto paper-backed fusible web. Fuse to desired fabric and felt; cut out. Tracę entire flower spray pattern orito fusible interfacing. Fuse to dark green felt; cut out. Fuse flowers and flower centers to felt flower spray. Tracę the overlapping leaf onto fusible web. Fuse to dark green felt; cut out. Fuse leaf over round flower. Use fabric glue to adhere one felt flower spray to each section of lampshade.

7.    Spacing evenly. attach I" dia. Split rings to frame wires inside lampshade. Use bolt cutters to cut three l8'/2" lengths of chain. Attach one length to each split ring in lampshade. Attach opposite ends of chains to 7V dia. split ring. Cut an 8" length of chain; form it into a loop and attach to smali split ring for hanger.

8 Place a smali plant with waterproof Container in plant hanger; make surę chains are secure before hanging.

Floor Cloth

You will need a 6' square piece of vinyl flooring. gesso; black, blue. coral. fuchsia, green. light blue, light green. red, tan. white. and yellow acrylic paints: paint roller; paintbrushes; ’/<" round foam brush; stencll brush: painter’s masking tape; elear acrylic sealer; craft knife: string; tracing paper; transfer paper; and a thumbtack.

Use wronę side of vimjl flooring for painting.

I. Measure to center of vinyl flooring and mark with a pencil Use a 36" measurement for string and follow

Step 2 of Cutting a Fabric Circle. page 95. to mark a circle on vinyl flooring. Cut out circle with craft knife

2.    Read Preparing to Paint and Painting. page 93. Use paint roller to coat wrong side of vinyl flooring with gesso. Use 34" of string and mark an inner circle; basecoat light blue. Mask outside border. Measure and mark 2" squares inside border; you may have to widen squares slightly to end up with altemating black and white Masking as needed. paint alternating sąuares white; let dry completely. Repeat to paint remaining squares black; let dry completely and remove tape.

3    Enlarge flower pattem, page 91.200% on photocopier; enlarge double leaf pattern, same page.

118% Read Transferring Patterns, page 94 Randomly transfer nine three-leaf flowers and ten two-leaf flowers onto floor cloth.

4    Read Painting Designs. pages 93-94. Basecoat flowers as desired. For yellow flowers. paint flower centers red. Paint remaining flower centers yellow; add white comma highlight to all. Paint leaves green. Use stencil brush to stippie highlights on flowers. Stipple a bit of red in flower centers; stipple Ieaves with light green. Outline flowers and leaves with black.

5.    Use round foam brush to randomly add blue dots around flowers.

6.    Apply sealer to floor cloth.

Window Seat Cushions

You will need 2" thick foam. green polka-dot fabric. yellow plaid fabric. dia. cotton cord. I'li dia. buttons from covered button kit. V<" dia. yellow buttons, red acrylic paint. [h" round foam brush. electric knife. green felt. green embroidery floss, hot glue gun. and Mary' Engelbreit blue floral fabric.

Mcł/cfi right sides and u$tf a 'fi' seam allowance for all sewittg unless otherwise indicated.

I. Measure width and length of your window seat; cut foam this size with electric knife. Add 3" to each dimension; cut one piece each of blue fabric and green fabric the determined measurements.

2 Read Making and Attaching Welting page 94. Make welting from yellow fabric and baste to right side of blue fabric piece.

3.    Leaving most of one side open for turning, sew blue piece to green piece.

4 Read Sewing a Mock Box Corner. page 95. and sew across each corner I" from end.

5. Turn right side out and insert foam cushion. Hand sew opening closed.



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