Mailbox Arts and Crafts For All Seasons7

Mailbox Arts and Crafts For All Seasons7

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Bubble Printing

Materials Far Each Chlld:

1 sheet of 9" x 12' construction paper 3 different-colored tempera paints mixod with Ikjuid dish detergent In plastic containers iarger than 9" x 12*. to share 1 straw

Class Preparationg:

Pour liquid dish detergent into each of three containers. Add a different color of paint and a little water to each.


1. Dip the end of a straw into one of the containers Blow to make bubbles. being careful not to drink the liquid by mistake.

Z. Lay the paper gently on top of the bubbles.

3.    Lift off the paper to see the bubble print.

4.    Hang up the print to dry. O

Roller Printing

Materials For Cach Chlld: i sheet of 9" x 12' construction paper pnnting tubes. to share 1 piece of dowet. longer than tubes tempera paints on cookie sheets. to share

Class PreparatiohS-

Make printing tubes by winding string around some tubes several times and securing the ends. Glue pieces of sponge to other tubes. Put a smali amount of paint on each cookie sheet.


1. Put the dowei In the printing tubę and use it as a handle w hen you roli the tubes in the paint. Z. Roli a tubę in paint and then over a sheet of construction paper to make a pattem.

3.    Repeat with a different color and tubę: then ailow to dry.

4.    Use the paper for wrapping gifts



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