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•    X-Mon Vol. 1 #54-6 Min

Wofth* aj/K s ongn* are iliw kom a pub*r. *chootooy who grows wngt to a momber oI tlw X Men.

•    X Factor »10-15, Thor #373-4 Ar»)«M % wmgs .me amputatod and he <t dr*en to euode.

•    X-Faclo< «21-25 Apc» apponts Ar*p4 as hm Fourth Hcreemen. D#*m

The Auengittg Angel

Warren Worthington was born into a wealthy family.At prieate sehool, during his late teens, Warren noticed wings budding trem his shoulder blades. Fearful of attracting attention, he strapped them to his body but secretly begail experimentmg with flying.When a tire started in his sehool, Warren flew to the rescue ot" his schoohnates disguiscd in a nightshirt and blond wig. He was mistaken tor an angel and so, when he headcd to New York City lo become a costumed crimc tighter. he took the moniker Avenging Angel.



Warren Kenneth Worthmgton IH OCCUPATłON Hero and Chaeman of Worthtngłon Industrie*


New York State rAvengers Tower"). Manhattan. New York



WEK3HT 150ibs

X-M9D *1 (Saptambar 1963)

Feetherod wr^s cen ceny up to tws:e t« werjht and boor hm to 29.000 fant «t*i to »y up to 1?Omph anhanced knga anab* hm to braeth at t*gh aMudee posw.«•. «xtraardnary ayemght and btood ha* hMAng quatt*»





Warren soon came to the attention oI Pkoiksmir X and jomed the Frotcssors rtcdghng band ot X-Mfn. At tirst. Warren disguiscd his tace with a mask.hut he later Jiycanlcd it, hehesing that his handsome. telegenu te a turcs \\mild help gain the team public support.

Siuli vanny. combincd with a ccrtain Hightiness. has < n i hallmark ot Warren \ lite as a mutant. With his vast. inherited wealth it was perhaps incvitable ihat he would hec orne a media playboy. Similarly. aithough he remained loyal to Frołessor X s




ad idcals. hc drifted betwecn vanous „-rpowered tcains, using his fortuno to cidc backing to the Champion* ot Los idos. tho Din ni u-rs and lator X Factor. nic with X Factor Warren s wings were ugod battlmg the Marai oi-rs The wings imc mtected and lud to hc amputated I he ot lus w ings so depiessod Warren that he inpted suicide. Saved In- the mutant wjrlord uyi*s! .Warren was oflcrcd the chance to ;V new w ings ot" Steel if he became one ot ' tlypsA s 1 lorseincn—Death. ( ontuscd and depressed, Warren agreeil. but this Faustian pact ht Inni into dimt conflut with his X Men

friends. C )nly the apparent death ot his oKl friend U eman hrought Warren to Imsenscs FoDowing this epiphany. Warren s metal wings tnolted to rcveal fcathers beneath. I le rededteated himselt to the X Mens cause and rejomed the group T(* irurk tlns ncw beginmng Warren rei hristcned himsclt Aahangcl AD


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