
Bulky criminal mastermind


•    Daredevil Vol. 1 #227-233

In tho acdamod 'Bom Again’ storyarc. tho Kingpcris malcious schemos bfing Daredevil to the edge of a mental breaktlown.

•    Daredevil Vol. 2 046-SO

In a shocking tum of ovoms. Daredesil oefoats tho Kingpin and takes over as boss of New York City s notorious Hełl» Kitchen.


Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin, is che most formidable figurę in organized crime, and a pcrennial enemy of the Super Heroes SpiDŁR-Man, the, and, most freąuendy, Daredevil.The Kingpin s operations are glohal and the assassins that have donc lais dirty work are legion, ineluding such names as Bullseye, Elektra, and Tyimioid Mary.

HEIGHT 6 ft 7 in WEIGHT 450 Ibs EYES Blue


Amaiing Spióer-Man Vol 1 #50 (Juty 1967)

1 Fisk was so In lovo with ! the beautiful Vanessa i that lie ayreed to ronounoo tus chroma! ways—unt# fate took ! a handl

lite Kingpin 's ton, Richard Fisk, bteatne a riral to his father at the nutked Rosę.



(J Wilson Grant Fisk Z OCCUPATION v Criminal mastermind BASE

New York City


8 Brillant criminal minet and supert) fighting skite; his body, though huge and hoovy. te composod of olinosł so6d muscle.

Sabotage by vorious costumed crimafighters hobbtodthe I Kmgptria 1 dfcitomoire.


As a youth, Fisk bulked up his body to strikc back against the bullies wito tormented liiin, committing his lirst murder at the age of 12. At 15. hc led a gang ot*Street toughs. and came to be called the ‘'Kingpin of Crime.” Employcd by crimelord Don Rigolctto. be ended up killing Kigoletto and assuming control of his operation. I Ie marriedVanessa.ą beautiful socialite. and they had a son. Richard.The Kingpin also became the guardian of Maya Lopez (Echo), the daugliter of one of his inurdered business partners. After decades in power, the Kingpin organized the various New York gangs and challenged the Maggia, triggering a war that Spider-Man helpcd to end.


The Kingpin believed that his son Richard had died in a skiing accident. In truth, Richard had become a rival crimclord. the Schemf.k, who lured his father into an alliance with a HYDRA faction.The Kingpin left his empire behind to pursuc a new lifc withVanessa in Japan. but returned with a venge.mcc afterVanessas apparent death. Richard Fisk tlicn became a new criminal rival, the Rosę.

After the Kingpin learned Daredevil’s secret identicy, hc destroyed the heros life and nearly killed him.The Kingpin also participated in a gang war betwccn New York crime families. and defeated the Red SKULL.The Kingpin s empire crumbled when 11YDRA agents cleaned out his bank accounts and assaulted his hcadtjuarters, Fisk lowers.Thc Kingpin rebuilt his empire by controlling multinationals such as Fujikawa Industries. I lis foster daughter Echo blinded him by shooting liiin in the tace. and the Kingpin s intier circle—ineluding his son Richard—stabbed him many times and left him for dcad.Vanessa nursed ber husband. killed Richard for betraying his father. and the Kingpin returned stronger than ever. Recently, howceer, Daredeeil beat his longtune nemesis senseless and dcclared himsclf the new Kingpin. DW

Show muacte mess makos tho Kingpin surprisngfy strong and tough. alowing hm to withsland Spdor Man^s poworiul btows



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