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FIRST APPEARANCE [V. WrfhirĄ Amaang Sęnitt W*n #342
f)9Cmrtm 1990). (Cardwci Amaang Spajać Mar #343 January 1901) REAL NAME Dr Ekas “BT Wirtham
OCCUPATION *g«on. PMMrtbar. yigianla BASE NawSbricOy HEłGHT 6 fi 5 WEKjMT 300 RM EYES Browr HAIR Ba** SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIfcS Supwtwman stranglh, sp«©d and ttamna. t*ji*łproof #kn. can projacl bata parbcła torca tSasts
Elias Wirtham^ tfrothcrjoshua died ot* a rare disease after imurance companies refuscd to pay for unproven curcs. Dr. Wirtham dcvoted his lite to inedical rescarch, sccretly battlmg tliose who profit from sutTering. He had his hcart replaced with a beta particie reactor, and his skin with vibramum mcsh that transmits the particles to his muscles, gmng him amazing strength As Cardiac, he ashed with Shdir-Man. ps
1 he Mrst Carrion was a clone of Miles Warren who was Sl ;:>» -Mans enemy, the Jm kai. Belbrc hts dc .uh, Warren left a clone of hitnsełf in a
capsule, but somethmg went wrong and the creature chat etnerged was likc a living corpse. Carrion died in a fire follow ing a batde with Spider-Man Many years latcr. a tellów rcscarch student of Peter Parker s named Malcolm McBridc diseoeered a test tubę contaimng a genetie creation ofWarrcns, the “Carrion virus.” The virus comumed McBridc and turned him into a H second incarnation of C arrion.
Whcn Miles Warren s body was | exaimned by Dr. William Allen, he was infectcd by the virus, and becamel the third and most powerful B incarnation of I C .ai non MT
"Mrias Waran' (acluaRy a cłooe of the ongmal MtJas Warren) OCCUPATION
HEKSHTb ft 11 m
WEIGHT 175 łba
EYES Ydlow HAIR Nooe
Specttcui* Sptder-Man •25 (Ctocemb* 1978)
J Carnor couW nap* łvng j monar. iev#«a«, dtatroy iMng * ma«W wtTi łw'. •• nich. racfc* * i I the d#na*y of fr. body to | bacome «#motf rtangtto. and j toieport
^ Ctetus Kasady OCCUPATION < Spreadar of Chaos (J BASE
New York City
HEK3HT 6 ft 1 In WEIGHT 190 Ibs EYES Graen HAIR Red
(Feboiary 1991)
Soperhuman tfmnatt
nwna boos ona
t*x*x3 woapooy
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Inipnsoned for multipic
murdors. Clotus Kasady was sharing a ccii with Eddic Brock. par.iMtical Vi s< im*s host, when that symbiotc arrived to attempt a jailbreak.Venom left behind its spawn. which bonded with Kasadv rcsulting m a new symbiote. the creature now known as Carnage. The hond between Carnage and Kasady is moro profound than that between Brock andVenom the fact that the> refer to thcmselws as "I” rather than “we” is testament to this. Carnage is also far morc powerful, vio!ent and deadly than its parent—following his fint cncounter with the creature, Spider-M \n was foreed to ctilist the help of the I IumanToiu h and evcnVENOM to defeat it. It has fought alongside Demck.oblin,
DocPNc.sNf.i R, Shriek, and Carrion, and has bonded with Bin Rriiiy. the Siiyer Si ru r and John Jameson. Once. Carnage was even reabsorbed iutoYenoni but Kasady bonded with a version of the creature that had prcviousły mhabited the negativo Zonę. (Carnage is incarcerated at present but with its record of fresjuent escapcs front Raeencroft Institute, it still poses a vcry real danger. ad
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