FIRST APPEA RANCE Ooctor Siranp •« (Ttonmy 1975) REALNAME G*o.> OCCUPATION God<J*M BASE F.Wt MOGHT varwW# WEIGHT V*naoto EYES (fiu* MAJO Buck SPECIAL POWERS ABIUTIES •nomom my»Oc*l
nrcrgie* tMd to the Eerth; commanos łne to<c«ł of natura, mch M <torms and yObarnc acthnty. powar to noat and maka thnga gro«r: lottfcmeUC attlltiea; obie to bestow magcol powers
FIRST APPEARAWCE Strang* T*» Vo< 1 f 100 (4uw 197S. REAL NAME Gamota
OCCUPATION ' ormar 4vuuxi mamoar of tr» InIWwty Watcfi BASE Wotxl*
MEIGMT 611 WEIGHT 170B>'. EYES Gwen HAJR R ock SPECIAL POWERS ABIUTIES iw*. and rrurtal »t*t
profcent witb ad known waapona .
FIRST APPEARANCE '-'ant* T<*anvUp U5 .Waren 1977)
OCCUPATION Bouwit BASC The hnown urwana MEIGMT 7 Rllr WEIGHT 390 fet EYES Pupie HAiR Gray SPECIAL POWEMS/ABU ITIES AJmost mrr. *ial. but not q»te. Soui-Gam wam on fcyerwad anabUs trawi batwaan wortda and to othar i>r*n**ora; Souł-Gem atto accełerates yowtf. of piants.
Gamom i> che sole $urvivnr of the ZCO Whobcri. .m alicn r.u c WIpOC W out bv Mam s and his
Uimersal of
w;■ - ’ '
and traiucd her to /&} om«- tli* >1. i.llic>i
the galasy.
n in
/f? rk, I hanm killed her after cWr
Adam Warlock absorbetl her spirit mto his soul-gem. She returned in a ncw form. and gn.mistl the 'Finie (Icm as a niember of the Inlinity Wateh. DW
ją (I.tca iv the embodiment of tlić
spirit of lifc. growtli. harwst unii renewal on Farcli One of the -riinost oi the Gods ulu> ruloJ tlic World when fl ni,mkliki Ą
■S W olminur. • •»:iK
jBfNB ■ vio\oiw mto
tJWlłil • mo. >1:• ilu spinu
othcr\ Mirvivo. Imtead.
siu Kv.mic Ittoi.ilK Morhcr
F.irth. .mil overviw the growth •i .iii liemg things.With Odin (sec Gons of Am.aro). Gaca conceivcdTfiok. w ho is both of Awarii aiul of Farth. and the champion ofbotłi realni*. tb
One of the Elolrs oi tiii. Univfkm . the Gardener belonged to one of the łirst scntienc spccies to roam the comuos. Dedicating his hic hortieulture. the Gardener spent his days collecting ncw X#
sced* and cultivating barren F worlds.The Gardeners face was jb bound up w ith the two Soul Ir'
( he tisod
. - ii wor\U t«» .i. cele: plant growth. Abandonmg tl. .
iirst Soul-Getn using it battlc the the Gardener fought the F
I )fm H-worsInpping F n unm /■ f 1.
I hani u to retain his seeond HhIHI gem. buc the battlc resulced in jf I his de.ith. A O I
I lu imitant C».imhit was abdueted soon after Im birth by iiu-inhers of che Thicws Guild of New Orlcam.and was l.uer adopted by Jean-I.uc LcBeau. the head of the Thiercs’Guild.
I loping to make peace between the Thieves* Guild and their riv.ils. the' Guild. Kemy nurried the gtanddaughter of the \ssas>ins Gmlds leader. Her brotlier Julien was opposcd to the iinion and chalicngcd Kemy to a ducl.m which Kemy killed him. B.mtshed from Ncw Orleans, Kemy became the International master thief known as Gambit.
was employed by Mis1 pu Sinisifr to organize the mutant team of assassins ealled the Maraudcrs. buc he was shocked when Sinistcr sent tłie Maraudcrs to «
Mutiint rthMy to charge smal ot)>octs wilh an k urknown term o*
massacre the Morlocks. Laccr. Gambit met and aidcd _ StorM, who sponsored his memberslup in the X-Men. I le bas h.ul .1 longstanding romantie wlationship with his X-Men w
\ teammatc Roguł. Gambit served * in the spinotl*team. the X Irenie \ X-Men, In-fore rcjoimng ilu*