CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS #1 (1981 ) Marveł's first crossover senes featured its most popular Super Heroes battling for thełr «ves. |
THE DEATH OF CAPTAIN MARVEL (1982) Marvei łaunches its first att-original graphlc novel wtth a story that shows a hero and h*s finał battte wrth cancer |
222P atlaĘB-inhisownmonthlyseries! |
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The West Coast Avengers ANNUAL #3 (1988>
AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #252 (1984) Spider-Man returns from the Secret Wars wfth a new costume, wtuch is later reveafed to be an ałien symbiote.
Giant-Man guest-stars when the High 6vołutionary decKios to genetically jumpstart the human race in a storyline that crosses into other Avengers-related annuato-
WOLVERINE VOL. 2 #1 (1988)
After a very successtul limit ed senes, Marvel's most popular mutant»finaHy awarded his own monthty title.