As Ant-Mon. Henry Pym could shrink himsetf so smali tliat he could ride atop an ant.
U nder ta king a study ofants, Pym also developed a cybcrnctic helmct which allowed him co conimunicate with and control ants. Dcvcloping a costume to go along with his size ehanging ability and helmet. Pym reduced himsclf to the size ofan ant and fought evil as Ant-Man. Pym and his futurę wite Janet Van Dynę were founding members of the Ayencers as Ant-Man and the Wasi*. Later. Pym decided to use his size-changing power to grow rather chan shrink, and he began ftghting crime as the costumed bero Giant-Man. Ewntually, Pym realized that ehanging his size was putting too great a strain on his body and hc stopped.
A Troubled Mind
When Janet was kidnapped by A t tuma and thcn the Coii-ECTOR, Pytli tlcc ided to help the Avengcrs rescuc her by using his growing power once again. He donned a new costume and bccame Goliath. While expeninenting with unknown gases. an accidcnt changcd Pym s personality and gave him amnesia. He claimed that he had nuirdered Henry Pym and assumed tłu- identity of Yellow Jacket.
Hnring this time. Pym married Janet. later regaming his meinory, but the two were eventually dieorced due to his tendency toward domestic yiolence. MT
Dr. Henry Pym, a brilliant scientist, discovered a rare group ot subatomic particles which bccame known as “Pym Particles.”When ingested through a serum (and later through a gas and a capsule) the particles could cither shrink a person down to the size of an ant, or inerease a person s size to 10,25, cven 100 feet in height.
Dr. Henry "Hank" Pym OCCUPATtON Adventurer, biochemist. robotiost. X manager of Avengers Compound ^ BASE
Cresskill. New York; Avengers Compound. LA. Califomia
HEIGHT 6 ft WEIGHT 185 Ibs EYES Btue HAIR Blond
Tates To Astonish $27 (January 1962)
M 'itlt fach chanie of Henry P)-m’s Super Hero identity came a costume {hangę as urll.
Ant-Mancybernotic i contains
tochnotogy that altows him to communicate with and command ants to do his bidding.
By Ingestng Pym Particles. efther as a serum, gas. or capsule. Herry Pym can shrink to the siatę o! an ant, or grow up to 100 fł tali. He can ałso chango the size ot objeets. ! Using his cybernebc holmot. Pym can comrnunicato with ants and command thom to do h« btddmg.
(ru Pym PartoOS in the serum thal Henry Pym uses to atter his sizo can prove dłfficiA to «ntrcrf Horę. the ełfort K took to return to norma! sś» caused Pym to tose conscouaness.
• Talos to Astonish »49 Pym first . *jsh izo
changng Pym Partrdes to grow n sizo. transfornwig himsetf (rom Ant-Man mto Gwint-Man.
• Avongers *54 Hank Pyr 'eato--. Ultrc •
an ncreditoły powertui robot, which ho mpłonts with his own bram partems However Ultron rebeis ogamst r*s myontor
• Avongers Forovor, tpb Pyrr is Gont-Men; ,v»1 tho Avongers battlo Kang with humanity's futuro at stake