Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 115

Up¾at 3 Teacher's Book podrecznik nauczyciela plus odpowiedzi ,testy,klucz answer key Page 115

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erican summer camps


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summer. There are currently over 12,000 such camps in the USA.



Get started

1    Books closed, ask Ss to write a few notes and then tell the class.


2    3.16 Explain that Ss are going to read and listen to some information about summer camps in the USA. Check Ss know what these may involve and discuss the activities in the photos. Ask Ss to read and choose the camp they'd prefer to go on. They should be able to say why they make this choice.

New words

Ask Ss to underline the new words in the text and discuss their meaning. If you wish. get Ss to decide if the words are nouns, verbs or adjectives and record them in a table.


3    Ss can work in pairs to decide if the answers are true, false or not given.

Answer key


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Get started

1    Think about the summer. What did you do last year? What would you like to do this year? Tell the class.


2    ia Read the text about summer camps in the USA and Rick’s blog. Which camp would you prefer to go to. Rick’s or Charlotte’s? Why?


3    Answer true (T). false (F) or don't know (DK).

1    Twelve thousand children go to summer camps in the USA each year. F

2    The children usually go home every evening.

3    Campers don't always play sports.

4    You can do extra school work at summer camp.

5    Rick wrote his blog while he was at camp.

6    His favourite sport is basketball.

7    Charlotte doesn t like sport.

8    She's going home tomorrow.


A i37 Rick is talking to his British cousin, Carolyn. Listen and answer the questions.

1    What did Rick do at camp last summer?

He learnt to surf.

2    When did he go on his first summer camp?

3    How long did he stay there?

4    Where did he stay last year?

5    Where did he stay this year?

6    How many people were in each room?

7    What is Carolyn going to do?


5 What sort of summer camp would you like to go to? What would you enjoy, and what wouldn’t you like? Wnle at least five ideas in each column. Then compare your ideas with your partner.



l‘d make new friends.

1 might miss my family.

Fd like to go to...

Summer camp: -

Every year about len niillion young people in the USA go to summer camp.

There are about twe1ve thousand different camps, and they offer an amazing rangÄ™ of activitie$. Children can attend summer camp lrom the age of fivc. Howcvcr. most ‘campcrs* are between eleven and eighteen. Although there are some day camps. most of the camps are residential. hor many children. ii is their first experience of living away from home.


Traditional summer camp aem ities inelude hiking, canoeing and campfire cooking. However, there arc many other kinds of camps, too. Sports camps are very popular; they often specialise in particular sports, tor example. swimming or soccer. Other camps spccialisc in musie, dancing, art, computers. circus skills and magie. In addition. there are camps for people with special needs. forexample. weight loss camps and academic camps.



A hostel: an establishment that provides cheap food and lodging for a specific group, such as travellers or students.


3.17 Explain that Ss will hear Rick (the writer of the blog) talking to his British cousin, Carolyn. Allow time for the Ss to read the questions hefore playing the reoording. Tell Ss to make notes on the answers in their notebooks.

Answer key

2 When he was eight. 3 One week. 4 In college rooms. 5 In a hostel. 6 Six. 7 Find out about camps in the UK.


5 Ss copy the table into their notebooks and make lists of things they would like/not like about summer camp. They then compare their ideas in pairs.


Writing tip: Linkers although and


Explain that we use however and although

in a similar way to but, to join two sentences with contrasting ideas. Ask Ss to read the information in the box and point out the different ways these linkers are punctuated and positioned. Then tell Ss to look back at the text and find morÄ™ examples of the linkers. Point out that these linkers are morÄ™ likely to be used in writing than speech.

6 Allow Ss time to read through the

sentences and then complete them with either, although or however.

Answer key

2 However 3 Although 4 However 5 Although

6 However



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