IMG21 (4)

IMG21 (4)


Global digilal library in e-Research

incrcasingly format scholarly communication. Both scicnłisis and student* csmblish 7"% interpeisonal rclations through Inlemct-bascd semces, which have Ircmendous geoar! hma'n,«iD widcncd. Consiantly growing collcclions of high ąuality nctwork of scicmific publicaii 'C Kopt consequenily, Internet information rcsources are bccoming an increasingly imporiant sourc - ^ infbrmation and knowlcdee for the Durooscs of rcsearch and

zatton ot Icisure and social gatncnngs, nnaing iniormation neeoeo in cveryoay mc. as apily ne Borgman stated on one of the most important in the information science and librarianship b^L of reccnt years Scholanhip in the Digilal /łge: Informalion, Infrasiruciure, and Ik Internet (M|f Press. 2007) • in a short period of time for rescarchers and students the Internet comniunicaij0n ensitonmeni changcd 1'rom which they had login from time to timc, to bccome a Communications environment which is constantly active.

understanding and help to formulatc dircctives for the optimal development and implementation of

In the developmcnt of any complex technologies such as Inlemet-related ones, crucial dccisions are taken in the first phase of its design. Obsemng changcs in the practice of scienlific activitics, which are a conscqucncc of the dcvelopment of modem informalion technologies (ICT), we should be aware about whal technologies are now being dcvcloped, why and to whom they serve and how they are used, as it will havc a greal influence on the forms and principlcs of science and rcsearch activities to be shaped in the futurę. This applies to a great degree of scholarly communication chan-nels and centra of its organization, which were prcviously rcsearch librarics and ccntrcs of scienlific informalion. Investment in so-called Cyberinfrastructure or e-Science, like all modem information infrastmetures is global, and therefore gradually being shaped today. in the futurę it will be diffictill to change. At the same time it is worth remember that the deselopment of ICT is still cssentially uncontrolled naturę and is much faster than the development of social pcrception and understanding of its currcnt and futurę consequences. In this context, the rcsearch and discussion, which decpen

advanccd information technologies appropriate to the nceds of uścrs applying (hem, Has a spccial value. Such rcsearch is prcsented in this book.

Author of the book analyzes the transformation of scholarly communication, driven by information and communication technologies. He shows the change in attitudes, behaviour and aclivities of the scienlific community, in particular rclating to finding the scienlific information and dissemina-tion of rcsearch results. He also discusses the transformation of the principles and scope of aclivities of the institutions alrcady involved in the organization of scholarly communication, which were triggered by new information lechnology and the Internet in particular. The analysis of contempora-ry forms of scholarly communication system is a documentation of the view that the current result of the dcvelopment of ICT tools is the hybridization of tcchnology in usc, which is the transilion stale of the system, which seeks to replace the esisting lechnology by tools of networked information lechnology. The lechnology, bccoming a basie infrastmeture of social life of the futurę, implies profound changcs in organization and methods of activity in different areas of life, and therefore



ihc way of rcsearch nclivilics. To thcic change - musi hc adapted ncw methoda and forma ( mnni/aiioń of scholarly communicalion. At the heuri of ihcac changcs are rcicarch łibranc ° . °c{j Wcrc until now the maili institutiom responsibtc for mamtaining the memory of science and *"iding ncccta to it. Author arguci that their activitiei may bccomc a functional parł of a complc* Mructurc, callcd by him a global digital library (GOI.), which will be the integrated Information cnv»ronment of science.

The book presents the rcsults of a ttudy on threc kcy topie arcas for discuuion: I) dcctronic publishing and its ncw forms, induding inainly digital libranci. repositones. dcctronic joumaU. sclf-archiving, scholarly błogi, and gray literaturę. 2) the role of metadata in the dcicnption of dcctronic documcnts for their cfficicnt scarch and management. 3) changcs in scholarly communication roles of participants, mainly librarians. and ontological moddlmg proceocs for scholarly communication.

Author set himself Iwo goals; to know the currcnl probierni and trends in the dcctronic scholarly Communications, forrnal and informul, and dcvdoping the aforementioned model of scholarly communication. callcd a global digital library (GDL), in the global information infrastructurc of science, laking into account the latcst trends and phenomena, rciulting from the implcmcntation of ICT.

The author presents in the book the scholarly communication as "a set of formal and mformal proccsscs, for to sharc knowledge. the ncwly-crcatcd as a rcsult of the scholar \ own rcsearch. based on obscrvalion and vcrifiablc facls, which crcates a platform for scienlific discourse, by documcn-tmg. assessing, cditing. formatting. distribution. organizing, sharmg. archiving. utc and transfor-mation of that knowledge". Indisputablc is the author *s convincc that the analysis and moddlmg of Ihcsc phenomena are a prcrequisite for adaptation of scholarly communication to currcnt and futurę nccds of scientific rcsearch. Fivc basie argument! in the book also fcature the csscncc of changes taking place in the system of scholarly communicalion and set the framc for the discussion:

1.    The futurę of scholarly communication is a digital cnvironmcnt. but for its fuli exploiiation it is necessary to solve many problcms (cg. improvemcnt of methods oflongierm archi ving);

2.    Digitization of scholarly communication will bring significant changcs in its organization;

3.    Changes in scholarly communication are associatcd with changes in the organization of science, panicufarly with the constmction of c-Scicncc infrastructurc and so-callcd Science 2.0, based on Web 2.0;

4.    Change will indudc formation of uniform (in term* of mccting the users nccds) Information resourccs that underpin the global digital library (GDL);

5.    As a rcsult of digitization of scholarly communication are bluntd diflcrcoccs bctwccn formal and informal communication. articulated in the GDL.

These allcgations are verificd by answering the following rcsearch qucstions:

1.    What kind of changes is causcd by the implementation process of scholarly communication in the digital cnvironmcnt?

2.    Whether a global digital library as a tool for the implcmcntation of scholarly communicalion. will allow the unification ofdiffcrcnt scientific publishing practices. Icading to a combination of highly formalized practicc of rcviewcd publishing and morc informal and personalized forms of communication, based on various and interna) rulcs adopted by the scientific cnvi-ronment?

3.    What is the place of informalion and library technologies, such as metadata. ontologics, iden-tifiers in the futurę model of scholarly communication?

4.    What is the futurc of dcctronic publications and how to scarch it in global nctworks?

The considcralions are divided into two parts: introducing. in which the author discusscd the foundations of global digilal library as a model of scholarly communication forcompk* e-Scicncc infrastructurcs and exemplificalion part. whcrc detailed functioning of GDL is presented. using the 5S metamodcl of digital library. In this model, digital librancs are analyzcd in fivc aspeefs; Struciu-res, Streams, Spaccs, Sccnarios of proccsscs, and the communities to be supported (Societies).

Introducing part forms the first chapicr; which presents the functional principfcs of modem science and ils c-Scicnce infrastructurc and the author s conccpt of a global digital library, and assuinp-tions aboul its place as a communication tool in the scientific infrastructurc. Excmpłifica»on part compose of the fivc rcmaining chapfcrs, dealing succcssivcly GDL structurcs (systems and mariup languages, data formats. protocols, digital objeets, dcctronic publications, organization of knowledge tools and metadata); GDL functioning spać es (a meiaphor for the Internet as a public digital spacc, as wcfł a meiaphor GDL as place in this spacc, evaluation critcfia and mcasures uscd in



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