

Istnieje potrzeba prowadzenia dalszych badań 1 stworzenia programów stosowanych, które będą nastawione na identyfikację i ustalenie tych wzorców funkcjonowania rodziny i systemów wspierających, które pomogą rodzinom rozwiedzionym w zmaganiu się ze zmianami towarzyszącymi rozwodowi oraz w znalezieniu środków zmodyfikowania jego szkodliwych następstw.


Baumrind D. (1972), Socialization and instrumental competence in young chil-dren, w: Hartup (ed.), The Young Child Reuiews of Research. Washington/*! DC, National Association for the education of young children.    'j

Bloom B.L., White S.W., Asher S.J. (1979), Marital disruption as a stressful% live event, w: Levinger G., Moles O.C. (eds), Dworce and SeparationĄ New York, Basic Books.

Brandwein R.A., Brown C.A., Fox E.M. (1974), Women and children last: thś social situation of dworce mothers and their families. „Journal of Marriage and the Family" August.

Coletta N.D. (1979), Support systems after dworce. „Journal of Marriage and ■ the Family" November.

Foote N., Cottrell L.S. (1955), Identity and interpersonal competence. A new direction in family research. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, cyt. za: Peterson G.W. (1982), A theoretical model of the impact of parental dworce on children: integrating dworce concepts with family stress theory. Niepublikowane materiały z konferencji udostępnione przez pracowników North East London Polytechnic.

Goode W.J. (1956), Women in dworce. New York, Free Press.

Hansen D.A., Hill R. (1964), Families under stress, w: Christensen H.T. (ed.), Handbook of Marriage and the Family. Chicago: Rand McNally, cyt. za: Peterson G.W. (1982), op. cit.

Hess R.D., Camara K.A. (1979), Post-divorce family relationships as mediating factors in the consecjuences of dworce for children. „Journal of Social Is-sues", 35/4.

Hetherington M.E., Cox M., Cox R. (1978), The aftermath of dworce, w: Ste-vens J.H., Mathews M. (eds), Mother-child, father-child relationships. Washington, National Association for the education of young children, D.C., NAEXE.

Hetherington M.E. (1981), Children and dworce, w: Henderson R.W. (ed.), Parent-child interaction. The Educational Psychology Series, Academy Press, New York.

Hill R. (1949), Families under Stress. New York, Harper, cyt. za: Peterson G.W. (1982), op. cit.

Ilhen J., Brown L>A>/ rciui/«ł(j ...


bencfis offemale family control, w: Levinger G., Moles O.C (oda), op. cit.

I hihIIn J.T. (1969), The trauma of children with parents diwrce. „Marriage and Family Living", February.

lunglellow C.W. (1979), Diwrce in context: its impact in children, w: Levin-ger G., Moles O.C. (eds), op. cit.

lVleiNon G.W. (1982), A theoretical model of the impact of parental dworce on i Itthlren: integrating dworce concepts with family stress theory. Niepublikowane materiały z konferencji.

hpauier G.B., Casto R.F. (1979), Adjustment to separation and dworce: a quali-taliw analysis, w: Levinger G., Moles O.C. (eds), op. cit.

Wallerstein J.S. (1983), Children of dworce: the psychological tasks of the child. „Amer. J. Orthopsychiat.", 53 (2), April.

Wallerstein J.S., Kelly J. (1980), Surviving the breakup. How children and parents cope with dworce. London, Grant M. Intyre.

Weiss R. (1975), Marital separation. New York, Basic Books.


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