Row 5: As for Row 4, but thc chains arc 4ds, p Row 6: Usc one shuttle and a hall rhread. Berwn rings tat 2 Victorian sets (ricrac tatting) of 3—3. ta. consists of 3 first half-sdtchcs followcd by 3 sccond ’ itehes Row 7: Snuli bcads altcmatc wirh Joscphinc rin ,ng ^ tops of thc chains. Usc two shuttlcs. Work out how c|)a|. will be nccdcd around thc top, and then thread h. m.Jnv bcads orno shuttle 2. The Joscphinc rings, which c. ,jn |q half-stitches, will be tatted wirh shuttle 2. You n USc whichever half-srirch you find casier to make. Perl.; yOU would rather have only bcads around thc top. In this. ,• usc one shuttle and a hall thread. Place twicc as many bc\u onto thc hall thread, and tar 4ds, bcad, 4ds for the chains, making shuulcilock joins into the picots of thc adjacent rings of Row 6. Row 8: Work as for Row 2.

Row 9: Work as Row 3 withour placing betwccn thc rings.

Row 10: First row of mignonette. The smali rings of 4ds, join, 4ds, arc joincd to thc picots of thc adjacent rings in Row 9. Therc are measured spaces of 2 cm 17* inch) each bctwcen thc rings. Rows 11-13: Mignonette, as abovc. At regular intcrvals begin dccreasing by joining a ring to 2 measured spaces of thread. As you decrcasc thc mignonette towards thc bottom, you will havc to bcar in mind that a daisy of 8-10 pctals will ultimatcly be joined to it.

Row 14: Daisy. Therc are two ways to altach thc daisy to thc mignonette: dircctly as you tat it, or indircctly by hnnd-scwing jfter thc daisy irself is finished. The decorativc strings of bcads can be added to thc tips of thc daisy by hand latcr on.

Onet thc lace is compktc, make a suitablc fabric lining and attach this to thc neck of thc bag and to thc daisy at thc bortom. Thread 2 drawstrings through thc lace. The ends of the drawstrings may be attached to smali tassels or hiddcn insidc dccorativc bobblcs. The bohblcs arc actually padded balls madę from snuli cirdcs of fabric covercd wirh sced bcads. Run a thread around thc edge of cach ciręlc, add a cotton bali to thc ccntrc and draw thc fabric doscd around it. Tum in any raw


\Vhilc wc cannot bc surę what exaccły inspircd thc nnming of ihis form of tatring, thc woni 'mignonette' is derivcd front thc french mignon, mignonne, 'dninty, delicate, sweet’. Therc is a mignonette trcc grown in Africn, Europę and Asia whieh has delicate grey-green lcavcs with a finc nctwork. It is possiblc that this form of tatting took its na me from this plant. The Ince also resemblcs thc morc fnmiliar, dninty maidenhnir fern.

1 ■ Although mignonette is scldom secn in contcmporary tatting, it was relntivcly comnton in thc latter half of the ninetccnth century. Madę with one shuttle only, mignonette simply consists of rows of tiny discrctc rings joincd to prcciscly measured spaces of considcrablc length in the prcvious row. The rings arc frcc to ntove along the spaces. Mignonette may bc tatted on the straight or in a circle. In order to appear dclicatc it is best donc in a finc thread, such as 60 or 80 cotton.


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