VItAJtH8 abound ln ailk, cgga, liror, kidnoya, In ftpuit and vo?otabl« Juiocs (eapoeially In orargea, loaona, grapofrult, totsatooa) lottooe, oabbage. Spinach io partlaularly rich in thia olenont.
You will teo IYor what haa baon «xplalnod that on »11 cllk, all frult or all wogotable dint would not propcrly nouriah tho body aa it would not eon toin all of tho noeooaary olaaantai f\iol, fcall.Hnr tiaoerlal rnd oll.
Cws would fcnoti to bo a ohe-tlat in order tc worS- r.ut .‘ut; What prn£3~*-ior of oaoh food el.-^r.t hc jhouli* uoe in his diet, but if he will w: * diet re,T?cse«' 0/ .* littlo ocet, allk and eiy,* o^id aa abundonc* or* frult and rogetaKIaa ho oanr.v. ;;; fhr T,(nj«
IV. nftK do SOt 'i- r.leet tho tp.Iuo of daily eatlng nile, ogga, oto. and plenty of froa ani vo,:vtibljo.
Plcr.ty of thJ i ^)tl rf fcod wlth colluloae and tho propor will ąulokly bron'-: dnr.i iuy roi;/* tleeoęfo*
Tłw* or]? . i,i th .injtn r,.vor. to tho larneet portion of tho ictoatlral ordor. Any erlppling cf :hl« r. . 1 . v*cor.oo iteelf In prolapeia of tho atonaoh or abdo-oon.
In ttcplalnmg *.13 thU to you, I do not want you to booono a food ermnk or a faddiat. That .s not neeocaary.
Lot your etoeaoh bo ycur gulda at all tlawa,
Dor.*t oat anythlnr. thot dioarrooo wlth you or leatroa you with a heary, leadem fbollnr ln tho body, pae, a foul broath, •* cutatf tenguo, lndlf.estlon or natooa you tho leaat bit conatirotod.
"Zftt wiaoly but not too wali" la a nafo alo;an to fbllow.
Attaohod la a diot ahoct oooorlnc all tho food a that go to fora a well->ala*ioed aenu. If you adhero to a aolootion froa thlo Hat I un auro that tha roaulte .vill bo gratiiyinc: to you ln orery way,
Study lt oarefully. The aoleoled fteda eontalr. all *ho el*r*ita fbr r-solo bulldlng and toning. Hoalthy or-onc Will bo croat-*'. Th irhcl? t> dv. fUlfrt *r«th enerny, will have tho powor and onduranco to now ol*atocl:3 .;.aur*.;i'-iix.blr tt tho avororo nan*
Thla loaaon la tho tumlnr point that will lea. you on tho rocuł to 5rCCES3.