REGULAR KXF.RCI5F. NO. II G»a«ral Ex*rcu« lor tho Bark and L*f■
I.ojd the kcttlc bdl with the umc arnount of wcight as used in lixcrcise No. 10.
Stand with feet about 14 inches apart. kcttlc beli in front of you. Grasp kcttle beli in right band. and swing it betwecn the legs in position Figurc 22. Straighten up. swing the beli upward to about the height of the face. and wbile in that position shifc the bclf QUICKLY to the Icft hand and swing it back again. Change hands betwecn each swing, bach limę you go down into position Figurę 22. you should rest the free hand on the front of the thigh
The bending-down niotion should be accomplished by a simultancous bending of the body and legs. Kcep the spine as STRAIGHT as possible. and in-cline the body forward FROM THE MIPS at the same time that you bend the knees.
Ąlways kcep thumb to the front—DON'T swing the kcttlc beli with your knuckles for ward. for then you would not be able to shift the beli quick!y from hand to hand.
Evenr third excrcising day add 2 repetitions until 20 swinga with each hand is reachcd: then add 5 pounds and start with 10 swingt to each hand. This is a splcndid exercise. as it dmlops speed and great dexibility of muscles and tcache* you the importance of 'timing” a wcight. be sides dewloping a wonderful grip.
To Deyelop th* Motelo* of lh*> Forttrnu
Securc a round piece of wood. iwo feet łonu. about 1 Vi inchcs in diameter. Borę j hole through the rod at the center, slip a piece of twinc through the hole, and tic a large knot so that tltc twinr cannot slip out. This cord should be about 4 feet long ovcr all: to the end of the cord you must attach a wcight. A 2>£- or 5-pound platc from the bar beli is a good wcight to start with After the piąte i* ticd in place, it should be about tbree feet from the rod.
Now hołd the rod out in front of you, as in Figurc No. 23. Rcvolvc the rod until you have
It.miMiitwr ngftiii Uiat k- 1'tnu IUi> tlmmłM «n tłi*> tido of th«* bar a» thi< tintci* mrriwMui
Ibn riratataiuw runiiilri abljr.
rolled the string around it and brought the wcight up umil ii touchcs the rod. Whcn you wind it up. turn the top of the rod FROM you. This will dcvc!op the flexor muscics of the fore-arms. l.oosen grip. and lei the wcight run down. Now wind it up again. this time twist* ing the top of the rod towards you.
Repeat once morę each way. When you can manage the odginał wcight casiły, then inerease by pounds.
You must hołd iIk arms STRAIGHT. The minutę you allow the arms (o bend at the el-bows you takc a great part of the dcveloping work from tl»c forearm muscles. Try at all times to hołd the wooden rod horizontal. and every time you twist the rod. move your hand througb as large an arc of a circlc as possible. In Figurę No. 23 you will notę that the pupil bas one wrist twisted straight up. and the other straight down. Hvery time you wind the rod. the wrists will cxact!y nryerse their positiom.
You will find this a very wyert excrcise. and a.t the wrists commencc to tire. the tendency will be to twist the bar only a very little way. but each time you must ery to twist the rod just as much as possible. so as to bring the muscles into complete conccntration.