Large Intestine Struclure
Colon: low-power longitudinal Colonie rnucosa: goblet cells section through entire wali in erypts (ozan stain, x 160)
Figurę 7.20 Large Intestine Structure_
The large intestine serves primarily to reabsorb waler and elec-trolytes trom the łeces and to storę the feces until they are elimi-nated łrom the body. The large intestine consists ot the cecum, appendi*, colon, rectum, and anal canal. Like the smali intestine, the large intestine has two srnoolh muscle layers, bul the outer longitudi-nal muscle is organized into three thickened bands (teniae roli) that run łrom the cecum to the recium. Ihe colon is sul.łdivided into a retroperitoneal aseending colon, a lransverse colon tethered by a mesentery, a retroperitoneal descending colon, and a mesenteric sic moid colon. A large number ot mucus-producing goblet cells are found in the colon. They produce a copious amount of mucus tor lubrication.
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