Widening the necktine reduces the shou der seam length. «nd th« 13 oflen further shortenec a; the armhoe end producmg a strap effect However naro^v it u. the shouldcr seam will Still support the gorment but a oonea foundaiion bodice <s nccdcd to <ccp ihe garmont in pSace for off-the-shojlder ano strapless styles, as shcwn abcve
Front ard back neckhnes do rot have to be the same. A Iow front neckime may need the support of a higher back neckime to stay on the shoutders and vice verse Whete both ate Iow the fit must be very srug and may repuire elasttc cr wire support m the seam
Most dress stards aro too smoothly contoured n the bust area to al ow the closer fit required for modellmg a lew neckimo. and a swim.vear or Imgene Stand may not fulfrf the requirements cf a des gner of party and eyemngwear. Speoal stands can be ordered to accommodate specific rretrds This is preferable to adiustinę the pattern after modellmg because the garment wiiT no <orgv fit back on to the sam® stand for evaluatoo.