fhoto t>y Uirkiu Br*u. London, W.CA.
A5SUME posicion show u im top right abovc. willa ioc? on tablc and hands on hoolu. shnuldcr witlth aparr. Lowcr ihc body by t>endiiig llit arms. Icttinp rhc chcsi sink as Iow as possibic hciwccit ihc tmok*. P«««h bark to 'tarting position. Kccp ihc IjikI)- R1CID throtighour. a* shown «!">'•« Breathc in guing clown, out romlng up. A» many rcpchtion* as |nwl)lt tip to .t ina\immn oi 15.
KASIER UECRF.F.. As abnvc lnu wieli fcci on ll«H»r AIWAKCED DECREES: (a) A wcigbi tn the form ul a lurbell dn* or
lag of miuI tnay Ite placcd Itctwccn the shnuldcr Mado* tlić wetglit liettig inerrased a» »t rener li imreaur*. Brcntlting und rrprtitinm a* hcforc <b» Altcmaciicly the liody-weight tnay be taken <»vcr rn one udc for one tepetinnn and ihcn changcd to tlić otlter sidc for tlie ncxt repet ltnrti MUSCI.EJJ ISKI); 1’ectoralis major (diielly claricular head). triccp* trapczm*. dduud* (chiefly .interior librę*), lati»irau« doi>i. teres major and minor
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