72798 scbb15
1’hoio h\ luirłeiti tłro\.. London, IF.C.I.
PLAGĘ iwo strong chairs hack to back and shoulder width apart. stand bciwcen them and grasp thc hacks as shown in thc photo. Bcnd the knccs so that thc legs arc frce «f thc floor, lower thc body as far down as possiblc. thcn straighten rhe arms by prcssing on top of the chair backs. feepeat for 12 repetitions. Do not hołd the breath but brcathc stcadily throughout.
EASIER DEGREE: If the abovc is found too bard thc fcct tnay be per-
mittcd to rcst lightly on the floor umil your strcngth incrcascs.
ADVANCED DEGREE: A weight. (in the form of a barbell <łise or a
bag of sand) may be tied round thc waist, to hang between the legs. Increase weight as your strcngth incrcascs. Anothcr diflicult variety is to raisc thc legs forward. knecs straight, para lici with thc floor. throughout.
MUSCLES USED: Pectoralis major (chiefly stcrnal hcads), triceps, deltoids,
trapezius. latissimus dorsi, tcres major and minor.
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