Thia Takaa littlo Effort
With Oroot Effort Your IukIm Vlbra»o
No. I—Troininfl Toblo Tolk-No. 1
VIBRO PRESSURE - You have probably heard it aaid that all volun tary muadea are compoaed o1 "fibroun tisiue". Thi« meana that the muaclra you want to develop are madę up of fibera, bound togethor in aomewhat the aame way that a thread ot ai!k ii built of eilk fibera . . . or a hemp ropę ia madę up of hemp fibera.
One fact about your muade fibera you muat know, however. ia thia: "Etery-one han approximately the mme mon-ber of muecU Ąbere.
Whatever your condltion. you have about aa many muade flbera aa I have myaelf. It ia the ueonditicn" and "sixe" ot your muade fibera that make the difference.
You are eontinually u nut g your mua-rlen. And unina your musclea, in many caaea, ia all that ia necesaary to devełop the muade fibera! Thua, if your muaclea are weak and flabby, it ia often merely bccauae you are not uaing them aa you ahould.
But to build a aet of big, powcrfuł muadea a good deal morę ia needed than merely to uae your muadea morę than before.
You muet put your munelen to work. That work munt be morę than your munelea are aeeuntomed to doing. That work mu»t go to the limit of their ntre.ngth without damaging them. That work mu»t time and aoain help them mach a new peak of ability and eiteh time the munele
fibern gro u- bigger and ntronger. It munt atrive to make therm grow bigger and ntronger nttll. VIBRO-PRESSURE ta the flrat of the 4 Banie Prineiplen I uae In aiming for that goal.
If you point your finger at an object, Himply holding out your arm, you are putting certain muadea of your arm to wora. But, your muadea are doing no morę than holding up your arm Thia takes little effort
Now, auppoae you hołd your arm out ngid—TENSI&G IT. Foree ił out. making your arm muadea aa atiff and hard aa posaiblc. What happens now*’ Putting all your effort into it. you will find your arm v;brating or shakmg siighlly
That ia the first element of YIBRO-PRESSURE . . the "Vihro" portion of the term.
It ia eaay to see that when your arm ia tense and vibrating, you are putting a great deal morc into the movement than before. Your muade* are really working . . . perhapa aa they have rarely worked before.
But the Y'IBR<) principle ia onły hal/ of the first of four differenl and vital principals which underlie the "Power-Pluń" Syntem of Phyttieal l>evelop-ment.
The other half is PRESSFRE and with the first principle . the two. aa a whole. reault in VIBRO-PRESSURE.
Claap your handn at the level of yout ahouldera . . bringing up your el-bows to the same level. Let your right hand puah your left toward the left. without thr left feaiating. Then puah back with your right hand with the left one, without the right resiat ing You can immediately aee that you are not accompliahing anything toward building your arm muadea
Now, instead, grip your hands tightly together. tensmg your arm muadea until they vibrate. Then press both hands together aa hard aa you can Slow ty force back your left hand and