rakteryzują groby skrzynkowe z urnami twarzowymi, zdobywa ona wyraźnie odrębny charakter w stosunku do kultury łużyckiej. Zresztą również wśród wyrobów metalowych kultury pomorskiej i to nie tylko w okresie Hallstatt C, lecz także w okresie Hallstatt D zaznaczają się silne związki z kulturą łużycką. Wymieniamy tu: brązowe i kościane szpile z kilku pierścieniowatymi zgrubieniami, szpile wazowa te, szpile z łabędzią szyjką, najmłodsze zapinki z tarczami spiralnymi i brzytwy trapezowate. Także obrządek pogrzebowy i forma grobu najstarszej fazy kultury pomorskiej z okresu Hallstatt C świadczą o bliskich stosunkach z kulturą łużycką. Panują w tym czasie na Pomorzu Wschodnim groby płaskie z obwarowaniem kamiennym i rzadko tylko pojawiają się groby skrzynkowe. Przeważająca ilość grobów zawiera szczątki tylko jednej osoby i dopiero w następnej fazie (Hallstatt D) upowszechniają się groby rodzinne. Kulturę łużycką na obszarze Warmii i północnego Mazowsza omówiłem obszerniej w pracy opublikowanej w tomie V czasopisma ..Slavia Antiąua”, dlatego też mogę ją tu pominąć. Pojawiła się tam ona w IV okresie epoki brązu jako inwazja na terenie ludności pra-bałtyckiej i przetrwała w głąb okresu halsztackiego, roztapiając się następnie w ludności miejscowej. W świetle dotychczasowych badań możemy stwierdzić, że w IV i V okresie epoki brązu ludność kultury łużyckiej na długiej przestrzeni od Meklemburgii aż do ujścia Pregoły dochodziła do Bałtyku, gdzie utrzymała się częściowo do końca okresu halsztackiego.
The author is diseussing with K. H. Marscliallek the northern limits of thc Lusatian CuJture fixed by the latter within the area ot the German Democratic Republic and proves this sugestion to be false as put into evidence, at least,, by the discovery at Kratzeburg la Mecklemburg of an earthwerk-castle with Lusatian pottery and by the map of burgwalls cnclosed to the article of W. Unverzagt in ..Ausgrabungen und Fundę”. Berlin 1958. p. 64. It has been stated that castwards frocn this area, between the lower Odra and the lowcr Vistula, settlements of the Lusatian folk-groups had eztended from the IIId period till the end of the Bronie Age as far as the Baltic Sea and that in the western part of this territory, between I the lower Odra and the Parsęta river, their domains had touched as well the Baltic shore even till the end of the Hallstatt Period. There is only one region, namely the eastern part of Pomerania, where an offshot of the Lusatian Culture succeeded, toward* the beginning of the Iron Age in generatlng its own culture, named by the author „Pomoranian Culture" and calied by German investigators „Culture of the Cist-Graves'\ During Its elder stage of development (Hallstatt C) this culture continues to be strongly akln with the Lusatian Culture, but It than
graduolly emanclpaled and flnlshes durlng its lale phase of development (Hallstatt ID) to generale Its own perf ectly specific linę amen ts reflected by the funeral practice (family-burinls in the stone-cista), by pottery (face-urns) and by metal Products (breast-plates).
The author is strongly contradicting the opinions of K. Kersten, La Baume, Kilian and Kratze, accordingly to which the eastern part of Pomerania is thought to havc bcen occupied from the I1 to the 1I Irf period of the Bronze Age by Elast-Baltic tribes; he raises opposltion as well whon diseussing Eggers hypothesis consi-dering Pomerania as a territory subdued by Germans in the course of the IVth period 0f the Bronze Age. Eggers. however, had his statement based on bronze fabries only. which may be difftised through the trade routes far away from the region od their origln. but ho dtd not take pottery into consideration which avails * itself far morę useful for determining the ethnic lim its; not being in generał an article of commercial interchange, it happens to reflect much better the chara eter of a culture. Yet there are the pottery forms in Pomerania, that proves sińce period III of the Bronze Age to correspond exactly to the Lusatian earthenware spread accross the territory adjacent to Pomerania. Also house-building as well as funeral rites are closely alliod with the remaining area of the Lusatian Culture. If Eggers trles to oppose Pomeranian barrows of period IV of the Bronze Age to fiat bur lais of the Lusatian Culture, he probably forgets that in the same time barrows are used almost every where In Brandemburg as well as in Lusace and Silesia (comp. for inst. the map from „Ausgrabungen und Fundę*’, 1958, p. 222) and that only sińce the V*h period of the Bronze Age burials under fiat graves begin to prevail In these provinces, as they do in Pomerania. ID u ring period V of the Bronze Age we may also obserye in Pomerania the emergency among bronze objects of ccrtains indigenous forms produced as imitation of German models. In parallell, however, Pomeranian excavations have yielded metal objects of Lusatian origin associated to numerous imports introduced from the region of the so-called lake-dwelllngs and local imitations of these, while pottery continues to bear obviously Lusatian features. There is moreover the very striking fact of the long-lastlng utilisation of same Lusatian cemeteries in Pomerania, these beeing used from period IV to period V of the Bronze Age, sometimes even till the EarJy Iron Age. ID u ring this latter period western Pomerania happens to receive strong impulses reaching it from the region owned by the group of Górzyce of the Lusatian Culture. New pottery forms are thus appearing besides an explicitely indigenous ceramic art which continues to develope independently. It is only durlng the Early or the JVIiddle La Tene period when Germans are Crossing for the first time the Odra and penetrating into Pomerania. They enter here together with the Jastorfian Culture and establish t hemsel ves in the western part of the land between the lower Odra and the Rega river.
In period IV of the Bronze Age fiat graves and burials under barrows with a typ>lcal Lusatian pottery are making their appearance eastwards from the Lower V ist ula, between this river and the Parsęta, in the south- western part of the ancient province of East Prussia. In concert with E. Sprockhoffs opinion the author pronounces the opinion that the parallels existing in pottery and funeral customs between this area and Mazovia may have their interpretation not in the cultural infiltrations spread out from the South but in the overflowing of this territory by Lusatian folk-groups having arrlved here from the South. At first they form a cultural Iiving a part from the autochihoneous society and continue to
develope so till the Hallstatt Period but thąn - approximately towards the close