F00574 016 f003

F00574 016 f003




Na reabsorption (%, hormonal contro!)




X* 3Na+-A_*

-2K+    65%    Highly

Angiotensin II    permeable

Sympathetic nerves Peritubular forces



(||)Thick ascendińg limb



© K+

Na?K\Ca2*,Mg2+^ (C)Ear1y distal


Impermeable *Furosemide

Impermeable 'Thiazide

@Latc distal/cortical collecting

Pemieability 'Amiloride increased by Spironolactone ADH



Na? \f Principal celi @    3Nat.

Intercalated celi HCO-T-


© Elsevier. Boon et al.: Davidson's Principles and Practice of Mediclne 20e - www.studentconsult.com


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