Natarta haa awumod many roto*, rcłudng surrogafe mcrthor. I»k1 agont. and mpUcatoto opponcnt Ol h rwał Black Wtdow
Shordy after Russia’s World War II victorv at Stalingrad, a lady, trapped in a burning building, threw her baby to a stranger below—a soldier namcd Ivan Pctrovich. He raised the baby, nained Natasha, who turned out to be a superb student, athlete and ballerina. Shc married test pilot Alcxei Shostakov, but their happiness was cut short. Faking Shostakovs dcath and leaving Natasha to grieve, the KGB trained him to become the Rn) Guardian a Russian super-soldier.The KGB then nianipulated Natasha into becoming a spy codenamed Black Widów.
Whie thay cJon't sftways see e^-to-oya. Back Widów ramwne toyd to hw okj lover.
Natalia (Natasha) Akanovna
mtalUganco agent BASE New York Oty
HEIOHT 5 ft 7 in WEIGHT 125 Ibs
Black Wtdow Vol. I * 1-3
Iwo espionage nmsions agamst Stark Industries hrought her into contact with the advcnturcr Hawkiye, and n was ultimatcly he that inspired Nataslu to her freedoni and jotn SHIHII). A romance betwecn the pair pros-ed short-livcd. Encountering the Red Guardian on a nmsion.she lud onlyjust learned his true identity when he was shot and killed, the double shock causing Natasha to w ithdraw front her relationship with Hawkeye.
In the ycats that tollowed. Natasha beeanie romanticalły involvcd with 1)arfi>fvii and founded the Champion* team ot'Super Heroes. She also led the Avenger.s during one ot its most testing periods, when several members lost their lives. Morę reccndy, Natasha became the impbcabłe opponcnt of a rival Black Widów,Yelena Bekn ą. Natasha also learned that she was j ust one ot many Black Widows and that her mcmorics of her earl\ lite were implanted. Although these revelations were deeply unsettling, Natasha Romanoff remains the sanie woman morally uncomproniising and a deadly conibatant. ad
HAIR Red/aubum
kite*gaoce agent BASE Russa
HEIGHT 5 ft 7 in WEIGHT 135 Ibs
fnhumans Vol. 2*5
Onty fapwwnooand gadgota **p*ra»* Boiovo kom tho fcsi Black Wdcw Be*ovn y;l»swJ «v«n har marka n Iranrg; ah« w atoo a mflftai-arts cwport and O^nęc iovolgymnest
• Daradewl *87-00 BK** Wdowo frocaco, »rck WWpw* twstor Pałę Lftth Spidar *1-3 Tłv / y
I ike Natasha,Yelena Bclova was trained at the KGBs notorious Red Room.The two Black Widows soon elashed; howwer Natasha s experience gavc her the edge. Antipathy betwecn the pair continues to tester.