Summing up, you can vitualize thc DICESTIVB PROCESS as a long-musculm convcyor-bclt carrying food-stufTs łnto the differcnt compart-mcntf.
In each compartment, che food i* mixcd up with various DIGESTIYE JUICE$, which split the food up. making it ensy for the body to absorb it.
AIthough the CHEMICAL ACTION eonstitutea the morę importunt part of Digestion, thc proper functioning of thc MISCULAR MECHANICAL proceuncs is neccssary in order to make cnnditiona auitable for the Di-gC8tivc Juicc8 to oct on thc food.
Thus you can sec how the regular ex-ercising of your mu*clca help othor health-givmg and strength-giving functions of your body.
You will notę how tmportant arc thc muscułar coveringa of the STOM-ACH and IKTKSTINE which ar«-rosponslblc for the motion which puuiea the mass of food along the DIGEST1VE TRACT.
The morę you study the problems of digestion, the morę you rcalizc the necd for pcrfcct physical dcve)op-ment.
With this necd foremost m my mind. I have induded many Exerci«e Move-menta throughuut the Course, de-signed to devclop thosc internat mulcie groups, thus niding your digestion and assiating in toning-up your generał health.
To emphasize thc importance of digestion in helping you gam nupcrb hculth and powcrful strength, let me give you an extract from the writings of Rrillat-Savarin, the eminent au-thority. He writes:
“Digestion is. of al) bodily functions. the one which most affects the morał State of the uidividual. The manner in which it (digestion) is performed mnkes u* sad. gay, taciturn, talkn-tive, morose, or melnncholy . und we do not suspect the eause."
From the foregoing, you can rcadily sec why my course can not only im-rove your physical well-being , , . ut it can also improvo your entire personalily. Bv improving your digestion, you will tend to eliminate one of the essentia) causes of irritnbility and listlessness, thus niding you to become a cheerier. happicr and morę likcable person.
Rules for Promoting Good Digestion
(1) Eat throe meals a day at regular hours and intervals. Frorn four to six hours a part is the best timc urrange-ment. (2) Make the mid-duy meal somewhat lighter than the cvcning meal. (3) Don't eat between meals. If you feel hungry, have a glass of milk. juice or a piece of fresh fruit . such aa an apple or orange (4) Do not eat before going to* bed. (5) Do not bathe, or work at your Train-ing Sessions. until at least an hour •fter meals. (6) Do not eut too many yarietics of food at one meal, such as pork and cheesC. Stick to mcats at one meal, and fre-*h vegetablc diahes at other meals. Avoid mixing food* which are mado from milk, with foods from moat aourcea. (7) Drink at least cight glasses of WBtcr daily, but not with your meals. (8) Don't drink too much cofTee or tea, but drink as much milk or buttermiik as poasible in iU place. (9) Avoid fried, greasy fooda . . . rcplacing them with moro green vcgctablc8 and fresh fruits. (10) And most important of all . . . cat slowly! Enjoy your food and chew it well.