Bock orvd Front of Body: with light btuo ch 20. Follow pottem for girTs słeeper rows 1-47.
Front lęgu attoch whito yom to end st of front pocę. ch 5, jołn to bock poco. ch 1.
Rew 1: scinnext10rows(wockingdawnback
pioce) sc info rew 37 of front poco. sc up to rcw47of front piece and in ©o of ch of ch 5 <25 sc) Jan Ch 1.
Rows 2-7: sc m ea st around (25 sc) Jołn. Ch 1.
Row 8: sc in first st. * doc noxt st. sc in ne*t st.
Rep from ’ around. (17 sc) Join Ch1. Rew 9: doc ea st around. (9 sc) Join Ch 1.
Row 10 dec oa st around. ctoso off. (Woavo
yom through oa st untii opening ls ctosed.) Break off and fasten Repeor samo patiem and proceduro for other front leg
Bock legs: Wlth btue yam— joln yom— through both front and back st- in first st from front leg Row 1: (wortcing through front pioco on ty) sc
in ea row around to where yom was janod (26 5c)Jotl Ch 1 Rows 2-8: sc in east around (26 sc) Join Ch1.
Row 9; sc In first st.' dec next st. sc in noxt st.
Rep from * oround End row with 1 sc in oa of tost 2 sts (19 sc) Join Ch 1 Row 10: dec ea st around. (10 sc) Join Ch 1.
Row 11: doc ea st ccound Ciose opening
(wocvo yam through oa st untii opening is closed) Break off and fasten
Repecrt same pottem and proceduro for other back leg
Collarondedglng: jołn yam at top edge (first st)of front piece.
Row 1: sc down front pioce and back up
other skJe. 2 sc in noxt st (st ot top of front piece)— thfcs is the storting of the co:łar- sc in neoct st. dec next st. sc in next st. dec next st. sc in next 2 sts. doc noxt st. sc in next 2 sts. doc next st. sc in next 2 sts. dec next st. sc In next 3 sts. dec next st. sc In noxt 2 sts. dec no*t st. sc in next 2 sls. dec noxt st. sc in noxt 2 sts. dec noxt st. sc in next st. dec next st. sc in k»t st (61 sc around) Jołn Ch 1. Tum
Row 2:
in next 3 sts. dec rvext st. sc in neoct 4 sts.
doc next st. sc m noxt 4 sts. dec next st. sc in next 3 sts. dec noxt in r>ext 3 sts. dec next st. sc in next st. incnextst. sc down front piece to bottom of side. (42 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 3. sc In first 13sts. incnextst. scinnext27 sts. inc tost st. (44 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 4: Inc first st. sc In next 28 sts. inc last st
(32 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 5: inc first st. sc In noxt 30 sts. inc last st.
(34 sc) Ch 1. Tum.
Row 6: sc m ea st ocross (34 sc) Break off and
Flnlshlng: Sew vełcro strip onto front o>-eficp for elosing front. Woave In oi loose yam ondsond cut off excess.
Boy's sieeper completed.
(50yds) %- 1.75oz.skelnwhitebobyyom.5yds-pink boby yom. 3 inches- pink tt inch rtbbon. noodle and threod. 2— V4 inch square velcro pieces Crochet hk size O.
Shlrt: wtth white. ch 37. Joln. Ch 1.
Row 1; Storting ot nock front- sc In first ch and In next 14 ch. 3 sc In next ch. sc in last 21 ch. (39 sc) Join Break off and fasten
Back of shlrt:
Row 2: count 6 sts from break off point to the
right. rejoin yom In 6th st, fum so thot you aro working to the loft. SC In samo st as joining and in ea of noxt 15 sts. (16 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Rows 3-7: sc in oa st across. (16 sc) Ch 1. Tum
Row 8; Inc first st. sc in next 14 sts. Inc last st. (18 sc) Ch 1 Tum
Row 9: sc in oa st ocross (18 sc) Ch 1 Tum
Row 1(J inc first st. sc in next 16 sts, Inc last st.
(20 sc) Break off and fasten.
Front of shlrt: sk 7 sts from back piece- rejom yam in 8th st. (rew 1) for bose row will count as row 1 for front piece.
Rew 2. sc m same st as joining and in ea of next 9 sts (10 sc) Ch 1. Tum