Donr Friend:
part of it dor*n't apply to thc «vcrnge mnn. bul thcrc i« no ren non why s’t nnply to you. Yen, it cnn hnppen to you junt iut it hnppcnod to ł — thnt i* why I want you to rend it. — lx>ok nt both picture* on
Tbin ntory nhauld intcrcnt you decply brcaunr thc first part uf it in truć of thc millionn of *«vemge* mro of todny. How«jver, thr necond
it cnn't nnply to you.
to RM! — tbnt m włiy I _____
this pagr. The picture bclow ta whnt I lookcd likr nn n boy. The other picture nhown wbnt unbelievable chnngca cna be wrought on thc entirc rmutculnr ntruclure of n
freviounty puny bodv...An n child nnd youlh. I nnw thc minery of being niling, thio nnd wenk.
At limca thc fceling of being ■ comptelely incffcctuni nobody wn* morr thno I could henr.
One aight. ofter looking nt tnysrlf in thr mirror.
I madr up my tniad to do rvcrything poanibSc to build mytłcif up. I hnd nothing to lone nnd cvrry-thiog to gain. I rcnlizcd thnt unie** I did nomr-thing about my puny weaknena, my wbole lifc