37626 vibro 53

37626 vibro 53

EX ERCISE 70 (right) — Li* fiut on buck witn arms out-atretched over head, and with your hceła placcd on a chair. Kaiac body forward, touching toes a# illustratcd. Return to odginał position. Inhale aa body is lowered; exhałe as body ia raiaed. Start with 10 counta; try to do 20 timea.

Start ofT today, and e v e r y day hereafter, with thia exerciae in-stead of Kxerciac No. 1. Take in largo gulpa of air alowly and ex hale 6lowly through Che mouth . . . saying aloud, "Pm winning, Pm winning, Pm winning!’* Do 20 timea.

REPEAT thia cxercise to-day for an additional 10 counta. This is Exercise No. 51 which is dcacribcd on your aecond week, fourth day.

REPEAT thia cxcrcia« today for an additional ■> timea over yesterday'a routinc. This is Exercise No. 67 that ia described on your thlrd week, ftrat day.

REPEAT thia exercise today for an additional 10 counta, Thia ia Ex-crciae No. 42 which ia dcacribcd on your second week, aecond day.

REPEAT thia cxcrciac today and aee if you can do it an additional 10 counta. Thia is Ex-crciae No. 54 which ia dcacribcd on your second week, fifth day.

REPEAT this exercisc for an a d d i t i o n a 1 10 counta today. This ia Ex-erciae No. 47 which is dc-seribed on your second week, third day.

REPEAT thia excrcisc today and see if you can do it a fcw morę timea. This is Exercige No. 16 that is de-acribed on your firat week, third day.



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