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34997 image108
io8.—Rosę in Satin Stitch
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GEMB01 f Bag, German, 14th - 15th Cen tury. Plied white lin en thread and colored
GEMB11 Bag, German, late 14th Century. Plied white linen thread, and coloured silks in satin st
GEMB07 a / ® ^FRAGMENT, GERMAN, 14th eentury. Coloured silks in brick and satin stitches on li
GEMB03 T n r ^ BAG, German, 14th century. Coloured silks in brick stitch on linen.
S20C 409120813410 Work G ows in stockhette stitch. With color E, work 4 rows in stocsinelle srrch.
harley (2) HARLEY INSTRUCTIONS (Part 2) Ali dero ,ng shown here is worked in 8ack Stitch and/cr Str
3 Doggies 6 <see illustration). (See How To Cro-chet sectiun lor instructions on worki ng satin s
Crochet Borders61 #146STrrCHES & NOTES Popcorn: Make 5 dc in one stitch or space, drop loop from
stylistyka4 r nwm ros/in. a ivr»T( pmJm***" £**"* f n,m dl, u fWifcdl Niemcy M <WJa
Invisible Seams with Grafting Stitch IFor sewing with open stitches, first work 2 rows in stockinett
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