44402 TME"5

44402 TME"5

Polar i s

While ber green hair marked her as a mutant, Loma Dane lud no idea gmwing up that shc bad been adopted—and that ber true father was Maczeto, tbe mutant master of magnetism! But when her mutant powers manifested, she found herselfat tbe center of an all-out war bctween the X-Mkn and tbe dcmomac Mksmkhu tor contro! ofher abilities. ł alling in lovc with the X-Man Havok. borna desired nothing morę tlian co retreat ituo seelusion and live a normal lite. But łatę would not let ber be. and timc and agam she was puIleU to the center of mutant strife as Polaris, mistress of magnetism. Over the years. her magnetic powers have taken a toll upon the electtornagnctic energies in her brain. driving Lorna half om of her mind.

Nevcrthclcss. she reluctantly continues to figbt for Professor Xavifr s dream of co-habitation for inutants, first ałongside X-I:a<tor and today as a member

of the X-Men. x f..    ^ ^    ^    ^ Potors- rnJlanx

magnetic powers have fsatl a detńmenuil eltect ; on her menlal słabiKy. mtertonng with tho ołoctrica! impuisos In hor brain.



Loma Dane OCCUPATION Adventurer BASE

The Xavier Inslitute tor H»gher Learning

HEIOHT 5 (t 7 in

WEIGHT 115 Ibs

EYES Green HAIR Green


uncanny X-Men *49 (October 1966)

Fraans possesses contra of the Earthto etectromagnelic field. and can cmptoy tt to fly. create force-fiekJs. and manjptilate anything cornposed ot magnotic matonałs




FIRST APPEARANCE Tates to Astonish *48 (October 1963)

REAL NAME Alexander Gentry

OCCUPATION Weapons designer/cnmmal BASE New York City HEIGHT (With battlesuit) 6 ft 7 łn WEIGHT (W.th battlesuit) 305 Ibs EYES Blue-gray HAIR Brown

SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES 8attlesutt fwed qui*s. laser beams. bombs. gases. and othor weapons Beit jets enabled him to fly.

A weapons designer for tbe US government, Alcxandcr Gcntry invented a battlesuit inspired by a porcupine. It was covercd in ra/or-sharp quills chat he could tire at opponents. and quill-likc tubes through which other weapons could be ftred. Believing the government would not pay him cnough for tbe suit. Gentry used it to bccomc a criminal, tbe Porcupine, but bis criminal carccr was a failure. Captain America agreed to buy tbe battlesuit from Gentry if he would help the Avenc;ers to defeat the Serpent Society. Gentry agreed. but was fatally impaled on his own cjuill during tbe battle.Tbough Gentry died bclicving bis lite bad bccn a failure. Captain America honored the dcccascd Porcupine as a bero. PS

FIRST APPEARANCE Taies of Suspenso Vo i *45 (September 1963) REAL NAME Virge.a Potts

OCCUPATION Formor oxocut<v© aide to Tony Stark BASE Mobilo HEIGHT 5 ft 4 m WEIGHT 110 Ibs EYES Green HAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES No spocial powers. but « mtefligont

and extromeły quick-wittod.

“Pepper” Potts becameTony Stark s secretary early in tbe industrial magnates carccr. Shc was promoted to that position after she impressed Stark by noticing an accounting error that would havc cost the company a lot of moncy. Stark valued Potts as a confidantc, entrusting her with the seeret of his identity as Iron Man, but didn’t realize that she harbored a seeret infatuation with him. Potts cvcntualły married Starks chauffcur, Harold ‘‘I Iappy" Hogan. though they latcr divorced. Potts’ feelings for Stark had never quite died. and sińce her divorce there have been brief attenipts bctween the two to kindle a romance. DW

FIRST APPEARANCE Captan Marvol Vol. 2 #1 (Docember 1995) REAL NAME Frank Skonna OCCUPATION Pnsoner BASE Tho Big House HEIGHT/WEIGHT/EYES Unrevealed HAIR Red SPECIAL POWERS/ABILITIES Secretos mtro-głyceono through skin; when body strikes ob)ect with sufficiont force the Chemical ignrtes. causlng an exploston.

Powderkeg was a member of tbe Masters of Evii. during Doctor Octopus’ ill conceived turn as leader. Following the failure of the group s attetnpt to invadc Avcngcrs Mansion and their subsecjuent detnise, Powderkeg began running a protection rackct in the ncighbourhood where Ben Grimm {sce Thinc) grew up. The villain’s treatment ofa pawnbrokcr soon drew the attention of Grimm, who madę short shrift of Powderkcgs operarion. Currcntly an inmate in the experimental penitentiary The Big House. in which uli the prisoners have been shrunk to rcducc costs, Powderkeg was rcccntly involved in an unsuccessful attetnpt at a mass breakout. AD



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