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44695 smpb 41

Success 15 but the hottdmaid of hcalth

ing in a condcnscd form that you can easily apply. I know, and you should know that most physical dircctors are men who happcn to havc fairly big musclcs or a large frame. But this does not indicate their fitness to train you. Thcy havc no right to train you. Any man placing his hcalth undcr their carc do so at his own risk. For morę than sixtecn years I havc ccasclcssly studied the body and its care and pcrfect dcvelopment. I havc studied it undcr norma! and abnormal conditions and carcfully watchcd yarious troubles ovcrcome. I am a Health Director as wcll as the World’s Lcading Muscle Builder.

Howcvcr, I do not claim to know all thcrc is to know about overcoming discase. I thcrcforc asked Dr. F. W. Tilncy, famous New York Drugless Physician to associatc with mc and givc my pupils the benefit of his practical knowlcdge. Dr. Tilncy’s many years of actual cxperience in the Hcaling Art givcs him an erwiablc reputation. His astounding success in ovcrcoming difficult discascs placcs him in the foremost ranks of the Profession. The fact that hc is also Associatc Editor of a popular Health Magazine, whosc articlcs and writings arc considercd authori* tive, and that hc was formcrly with Bcrnarr Macfaddcn is sufficient proof of his ability to help you. Dr. Tilncy s ability in pcnctrating into the causc of discase and offering safc, sound, drugless remedies, his wide and varied knowlcdge of the human body, his skill in writing mastcrly letters of inspiration and help, together with my scrvices make the Atlas System absolutcly unique. Nowhcrc clse in the wide world can you get the crystalizcd knowlcdge, the combined skill and long Professional cxpcricncc of two world-rcnowned spccialists—specialists in Health and Perfect Body Building. Nevcr in the history of physical culture have you had the marvelous opportunity to profit and get certain, satisfactory rcsults as you have right herc and now I

THIS TRAINING IS GUARANTEED So surę am 1 of the actual benefits you will rcceivc I positivcly guarantcc under bond to refund your money if you do not benefit in any way. Could anything be fairer? Howcver, you must be truć to me and yoursclf. You must really carry out the instructions. You cannot get rcsults worth while without effort or by mcrcly reading about Hcalth. I cannot make you cxcrci$c unless you arc willing to. I do not claim to work mirades. The day of miracles ceascd almost 2,000 years ago. The most that I can, or that anyone could do, is to givc you the best possible instructions that wilJ givc you hcalth and strength quickly and surcly. That is what you are paying for. If you really carry out these instructioas—and Tvc madc them as sirnple as I know how—you simply can’t fail to improvc and get the benefits I guarantec. The morę effort and energy you put into the exerciscs and the morę closely you follow my advicc the sooner you see the big rcsults. You will ncver find a fairer proposition. Put your wholc hcart and soul into this Course, place your confidence in me and you will be morę than dclighted. I havc never had to refund any man’s money yet, bccausc common sense will tell you that observancc of the laws of hcalth under compctent guidancc cannot fail to build health, strength and a pcrfect dcvclopmejit. All my pupils arc ntore than dclighted with the wondcrful progress thcy havc madc. You, too, will be just as enthusiastic as my other thousands of pupils arc, that you will not only writc and tell me so, but gladly rccommcnd my Course to all your friends and assure them its the best invcstment thcy can possibly make.

Health makes the world beautiful



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