Cast on 6 sts.
Row I (KS) KI. k2tog. yo. k2. (yo) lwice. kl. Row 2 Kl. (kl. pl) into (loublc yo. k3. Row 3 Kl. k2log. yo. kS.
Row 4 Bind (cast) ofT 2 sts. p2tog. yo. k3. Kcpcai llicsc 4 rows.
Casi on 4 sis.
Row I (KS) K2. yfwd. k2.
Row 2 and cvery foli WS row Knil. Row 3 K3. yfwd. k2.
Row 5 K2. yfwd. k2tog. yfwd. k2.
Row 7 K3. yfwd. k2tog. yfwd. k2.
Row 8 Bind (cast) off 4 sts. k to cnd. Rcpcat llicsc 8 rows.
Cast on 3 sts.
Rows I to 3 Knit.
Row 4 Cast on 3 sts. k to cnd.
Rows 5 to 7 Knit.
Row 8 Cast on 3 sts. k to cnd.
Rows 9 to 11 Knit.
Row 12 Bind (cast) ofT 3 sts. k to cnd. Rows 13 to 15 Knil.
Row 16 Bind (cast) olT 3 sts. k to cnd. Kcpcat thcsc lf> rows.
Multiplc of 13 sts.
Row I (KS) * Kl. yo. k4. sk2po. k4. yo. k I; rep from * to cnd.
Row 2 * 1*2. k9. p2: rep from * to cnd. Row 3 * K2. yo. k3. sk2po. k3. yo. k2: rep from * to cnd.
Row 4 * I* 3. k7. p3: rep from * to cnd. Row 5 * K3. yo. k2. sk2po. k2. yo. k3: rep from * to cnd.
Row 6 * P4. kS. p4: rep from * to cnd. Row 7 * K4. yo. kl. sk2po. kl. yo. k4: rep from * to cnd.
Row 8 * 1*5. k3. p5: rep from * to cnd. Row 9 * KS. yo. sk2po. yo. kS: rep from * to cnd.
Row 10 l’url. Kepeat thcsc 10 rows.
Cast on 5 sts.
Row I (KS) SI I. yo. k2tog. yo. k2.
Row 2 and cvcry foli WS row Knil. Row 3 SI I. (yo. k2t0g) lwice. yo. kl. Row 5 SM. (yo. k2log) lwice. yo. k2. Row 7 SI I. (yo. k2log) 3 limes. yo. kl. Row 9 SI 1. (yo. k2t0g) 3 limes. yo. k2. Row 11 Bind (cast) olT6 sts. yo. k2tog. kl. Row 12 Knit.
Kepeat thcsc 12 rows.
Cast on 10 sts.
Row I (KS) KS. k2tog. yo. k3lOg.
Row 2 and cvcry foli WS row Yo. k to
Row 3 K l. k2tog. yo. kl. yo. k2tog.
Row 5 K3. k2log. yo. k3. yo. k2log.
Row 7 K2. k2tog. yo. kS. yo. k2log.
Row 9 K4. yo. k2tog. kl. k2log. yo. k3tog. Row 11 KS. yo. k3tog. yo. k3tog.
Row 12 Yo. k to cnd.
Kepeat llicsc 12 rows.