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j. Z. G o r 1 i c h: Metody chromatograficzne w analizie tinerałów. Wydawnictwa Geologiczne. Warszawa 1957.
-• - - - -:
ł v I
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8. I. M. Korenman: Mikrokristałłoskopija. „Gosudar-stwiennoje Nauczno-Tiechniczeskoje Izdatielstwo Ghimlcz^ skoj Litieratury”. Moskwa 1955.
7. E. Leder er, M. Leder er: Chromatography.
Amsterdam-London-New York 1957.
8. Chromatografia. Warszawa 1957.
9. Słownik towaroznawczy, Ł I. Warszawa 1952.
10. N. Tananajew: Analiza kroplowa. Warszawa 1956.
11. K. Wehlte: Werkstoffe und Techniker der Malerei. Ravensburg 1967.
la tbe bismuth technigue there is as a component a meta-lic bismuth obtained from: bismuth salts, by dismissing them- by ;the way of wet proceeding. The metalic bismuth łias been prepared by the foliowing method: 50 g Bi/NOa/3 I, ' 5H,0 by submerging 10 ml concentrated HC1, adding 100 ml HtO and 150 ml 25°/o HC1. The whole, has been dllu-ted by adding to the solution 500 ml of water. A piece zinc tin has been put into solution, and left there for about two hours. From the solution getsout black grey spongy mass of metalic bismuth. ‘ After the end of reaction, the solution has been poured out, leaving only the sediment at the bottom of the vessel, then the sediment should be thorough-ly rinsed with the water ,to complete removal of HC1. Weil washed out bismuth, must be kept in a dark bottle with a wide opening, in diluted etyhylic alcohol (1:1). Reducrd metalic bismuth may be received, by other methods as well, for instance:
a) by working on BI/NO,/, • 5HsO in alcaline environment, with the zinc chlorure-SnCl.,
b) by the means of Nylander reaction, applied to identify ,th$ reducing sugars.
The reduced bismuth is ground together with 5 /o soluUon of- gelatine ,tfie*n spread in 2—3 layers with the soft fiat brush onto white- ground and polished glue coat with chosen fiUer, (chalk, alabaster, white "bolus”, zinc etc. The zinc white is best to apply into a mix with other pigments. After the colours dried, they are polished with agate or another gild-smoother. The polished layers have to be then isolated against an activity of HgS by the use of weak varnishes. Sulpburic hydrogen blackens unisolated bismutn layers in conseąuence of changing metal into black bismu n sulphur-BLSj. On polished bismut coats several pictoriai elaborations may be done, the best is to use dlste™PfJ paint, but all precautlons must be used, as the surface could be destroyed by water. The bismuth layers poBshmg
may be „puncowane” too, like in an old gtfldsaaMths teade technląue, which had been used in old times for manu-facturing caskets, boxes and other artistlc fąncy goods. Shining surfaces of finished this way things imitate dis tinctly the Work of metal.
B uiic-MyTiiołi TexiniKe MaTepiiaaoM aojinerca MCTaaaimccKiift BiicMyr, KOTopuft nojiyiaeTCH c co/ieA micMyra nyrrfeM. irx pe-flyKimu »a cupoił gopore. ■
• Mera.wir-łecKnA micMyr npuroTonaacTCH cgegyiomHM oopaaoM: 60 rpaMMOB BRNO,), • 5H,0 sa.immeTCH 10 mm iiacumeiuioro HC1 riOTOM ;io6aB.nneTCir 100 mm H*0 h 150 mm 25% HC1. Ue-.ioe paadauaseTCH 500 mm uo/im. B pacmop BKaa^UBacTCH nycoK aiiiiKouofi jKCCTbii, KOTopuA Hago ocraonTb na gua naca. C pacTBopa aunagaeT cepowepiiasi rydiacTaa Macca MeTO.uiu-•rccKoro micMyra. rioc-ic OKOWiamiR peaKUim pacmop nago CłuaaTb Hag ocagKofi, noTOM ocagay iipoMbiTt uogoA, htoCsi YAgjiHTb HC1. Xopomo npoMbimft oucMyr coxpHH«eTcn o TeM-
niHa/a* noTOM juiagCTca n 2—3 cjiohx \inrKoft. imocKofr, uono-oihiioh kiictcA im CeJibiA. ono.iiipoiiamłbiA. Kicentart p.icTaop c ji.iodoM iianaaiuiTc.ieM (mm, muc, Ge-iwfi Oo.aioc. ciiouhhiinc Gęjin.na HTn. Ojiownuiibie 6c.rm.ia xopoiuó; upii.MoiinT a. cuecu c gpyritMii KpaciiTC.inMii). Tlocae dwooxuyxbn 3.tmx npacoK hx no/iHpyeTcn npu noMouiu araTa hjiii gpymx iu,imj)oin<.ihiiij\ na-(lll.nbHIIKOn gyia 3 o.i ot i i.<u> u u i k on..
OTnogiipoBaHUbie c.ioii Hago iiotom iiao.nipouarb ot geftcrium HtS npn no.Mouu! touuix .naKou. Ceponogopog HB.iaeroi npimn-i.oft HepHcuiin neiiao.iJipoBaiiHHX cjioeo oncMyra, noTOMV mo \ieraji,i ncpexojuiT u sepiiuA cy^bcfiiiA ancMyta — BijS3.
Ha oTiiojn|pónamibix caohx uncN?yra mo>mio ge.-uib paatibić /KUhpiiucHHe oopągoTKH fly‘iuie ncero npu uoMomtc icMiiepu, no