Standard Chart course of 25 les-sons in Long Bar-Bell, Sliort Bar-Bell and Ring Weight Kxcrciscs.
Illustrated with nunc tlian 50 half-tonc pictures, posed hy Warren Lincoln Travis. It also contains his \vorld’s records. Ile is nndoubtcdly the strongest man no w beforc the puhlic.
Any one can bceoine immensely strong and healthy lry following this system ot exercising in their own hotnc.
The strength maker system is ac* knowledged hy the highest memhers of the medical profession and the world s greatest physical directors to lic the best. quiekest and safest meth od ot exercising to ohtain strong, healthy mn^cles and deeelop yonr body to perfect proportions.
I'he strength maker system is so gradnated that yon can start wlien very wcak and continue until you he-come a giant in strength.
Physical DeveIopment Institutc 1235—óth AVE. NEW YORK