Take the raa3tlc cartridge, pierce the membranę wlth a serewdriver and aorew on the noz2le.
Then pierce the metal oapsule on the base of the cartridge.
Using a spray gun, apply the bead of mastic, guiding the nozzle along the moulding support.
Using a spatula, smooth down the join where the two ends of the bead meet.
Before fitting the windscreen, turn over the lower corners of the moulding to make it easier to fit the window on the aperture.
U3ing two pairs of suetion pada, offer up the windscreen to the aperture, centring it at the same time. To do this, move the moulding support so that it is right up against the edge of the roof. The windscreen is centred laterally by eomparing the upper corners of the glass with the roof corners on each slde. The lower edge of the
windscreen must rest on the wedges.
Fold down the lower corners of the moulding under the wings.
BOTE: The vehicle must be left
3tationary for at least 3 houra. You are atrongly reoommended to use thi3 time to run water over the edge of the
windscreen, firstly, to find out lf the sealing is faulty at any point and,
secondly, to aocelerate the
polymerisation of the mastic.