Figur© 3.6 Oinial tyndromes in scvcc© COPD

Typc A: ‘Pink puffcr'

•    Good respiratory drivc    _

•    Interno dyspnea with purscd-lip brcathing

•    Alert

•    Leamng forward using acccssory musdcs of respiration

•    Hypcnnfiation with incrcascd totaJ lung capaoty

•    Smali sputum yokimc

•    Severe ajrway obstrucoon on spirometry

•    Emphysema on CT scan

•    Th*n body binkl - cachcxia and musclc wasting

•    Lato ooset of respiratory and hcart fadurc

•    WcU-pcrfused with near-normal blood gases

Typc B: Bluc bloater

•    Poor respiratory drlvc

•    Rdativcły miki dyspnea

•    Drowsy

•    Centra) cyanosis at rest or on m«Jd cxcrtion bluish lips, orał mucosa and finger tips

•    Largo sputum volumc

•    Moderatc airway obstroebon on spirometry

•    Emphysema not detcctcd on CT scan

•    Oftenobese

•    Cor polmonok with nght-sidcd heart failure -ankle edema. raisod jugular venous pressure. hcpatomcgaly

•    Respiratory failurc: hypoxia and hypcccapna

•    Noctuma) hypoxta dunng slccp

•    Połycythema


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