Th© big ftnture In thla ezorniac lloa in HOT <hr you oan bond.
Your nrma mat r.ovcr loao tho orlginal anglo and at all timoo łcoop Ir. a diroot lino wlth tho body bond.
Praotleo thla wraaent a lz *. La©*# and •vory third praotlco nl^ht add one ioro
r-potltlon ur.til tm>lva counta aro taian, thon go bach to tho orlglnal ocunt, but bo judioioua ln o ho o a Ing hcrw aooh walght Ir.orona© you will sake.
do:;»ts TO AVOID.
Don«t bond tho lonat bit forwanl®.
Don»t kid yourrelf by changln~ tho lino of your arra. reep thon atralght wlth your body.
fceoretao 22.
Thla ozerclao la nnothor baole bulldor, but lt re o tri et* lta influenco on-tlraly to your luabar aectlon.
It la a dalayt but alfhty awkwnri at firat. It la tho kind of ©zoroiao that
ahould rld you of bacie aohoa and 'ndney trtmbloa
Stand ln the eroot poaltion wlth tho fWt snrotd a part and tho fUłcruz łoiła hołd at your ahouldara.
rroBi thla poaltion bogiń to bond fbrward Yoa YOOR fi AJ ST.
Do euro to łcoop your bacl: atralght. and alao your lega. That la tho aoat lnportant part of tho ezorolao.
fCeop your heod U?.
Whon you bazo rotton aa Iow aa you oan. whloh ahould bo an anglo at about rlght anrles to your hlpo, rlao bocie to tho orlglnal poaltion.
Practleo thla nozoaont alz tiaea and increaao wlth ono ropetltlon anrory third prootioo nlght until tho ommt of twolwo io renohod.
Aftor that oorzwnoo ovor wlth alx counta but wlth increaaod wołght.
Don1! bond your back, nor your lega. r<m*t ibrgot to łtoop your head T7P.
Don»t for rot to por fora the tsoroMret almrly, and broatho in aa you lewor, and out aa you rlao.
rscrclno 23.
Hor© la a aozonent that cvory ezereiao fbn la nor© or leoa fwnlllar wlth.
It la practlcod by all atrong eon w ho er cel ln tho T*o ftuuia Uilltary Proaa, and inoldontally 1 hołd many of tho rooorda ln thla particular toot.