73284 img476 (5)
O Citytours

vocabulary Giving directions
14 Complete the information from Jenny's tour with words from the box.
opposite over there near from in on up straight ahead in
1 ..On.. your left you can see the sculpture.
2 Our next stop..........Barcelona is the famous Magie Fountains in Plaęa
d'Espanya, that's 'Spain Square',..........the National Pałace.
3 Did you say the Olympic stadium is..........here?
4 The sports stadium we visited this afternoon is further..........the hill.
5 You can see the fountains now,...........
6 If you would like to video the show, the best place is..........the footbridge.
7 l'm afraid you can't swim..........the fountains.
8 There is a cafe...........
15 Look at the tapescript of Jenny's bus tour on page 134. Underline any useful expressions for giving a bus tour.
On your left...
16 Do you think Jenny gave a good bus tour? Why/why not?
When giving a guided tour
always remember PIE:
• Politeness, especially when answering questions.
• Give elear and accurate information.
• Show enthusiasm.
Guided tours
17 Work in groups. Prepare a short bus tour for part of your town or city. Use pictures and draw a map of the route. Consider the following points.
• places of interest in the area
• factual information (opening and closing times, prices)
• historical information
• any other interesting facts
18 Listen to the bus tours of the other people in your class and ask questions about the places of interest.
Ylhat time does it open/dose? How long Aots the tour \ast?
How much does it cost? £an l ... ?
Podobne podstrony:
4. Giving directions. Look at the map (you already know the places) and in pairs act out dialogues u« « Testing When a!l is completed, the unit can be tested with a multimeter (if avail-able), for the56418 stronaY (3) 6 a Complete the questions from the interview with did or a question word. Thstorm6 WYocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the Information using the correct form of wordsstorm Yocabulary Practice A. Completion. Complete the information with the correct form of words froZDIĘCIA0059 Complete the shops (1-7) and match them with the things thal you can buy there (a-g).31008 img469 (6) Language focus Much, many, a lot (of) Look at the sentences and complete the informSlide4 KNOWIT See the information from side two of your cards (Polish) and write in your workbook&nbSlide3 RECOGNISE IT See the information from side two of your cards (Polish) and think or say the&nbSlide6 OWNIT See the information from the Engłish side of the card and then write it in Polish in yobatmobile 1 Keaton Batmobile Weil, this is obviously the Batmobile from Batman Returns*... With MichInstr 6 Step 14: If the glue has dried completely, turn the model upside down and install support pi1314grupaA LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 7 A I UNITS 13-14 58 . Limited 2006VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 1 Comp1314grupaB LANGUAGE AND SKILLS TEST 7 B I UNITS 13-14 i Limited 1VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR t Complete twięcej podobnych podstron